Author: nicole

I was a junior in high school when a teacher showed us a drawing that was clearly of a young woman looking over her shoulder.

“Look at it again” my teacher prompted. “Can you see the old woman?”

For the life of me I could not see that image from another perspective.

Situations in our lives can be the same.

It ... Read More

Have you ever wanted something? Of course you have. We all have. Little things, big things. A new journal, a trip to Fiji … you know, just the regular stuff.

I’m an over-the-top sort of person, so not only do I want things, but I want them twice. (That probably explains my former addictions. Bartender, make it a double!)

Someone asked me ... Read More

How’s your perspective lately? I thought mine was pretty good until I sat next to a man on the airplane last week who took up his seat and a little bit of mine.

He sat down and we all buckled up and then we were off like a bunch of happy sardines for our three-hour flight. I wasn’t annoyed in the ... Read More

Sometimes I will be at the store, and know I’m supposed to buy something for someone, but I don’t know who. Or I’ll be packing for a trip, and I know I’m supposed to throw in a few extra books I’ve written but I don’t know why.

It’s always fun when I figure out the people who were meant to be ... Read More

What would your nine-year-old self think of you right now? Would the younger you be in awe that you even made it to __ years old? Would that youthful being say, “Way to go!” or “What the heck were you thinking?”

I know one thing: whether we are hitting life on the mark or need to readjust our aim, our younger ... Read More

Have you chosen a word for 2022? Is it Journey or Joy or Rest or Resilience? Are you wondering what I’m even talking about?

Lots of people pick a word each January as their foundation for the year ahead. It’s the thing they come back to in chaos; the place of growth or gratitude in which to return.

My word this year ... Read More

I woke up this morning and tried to think about something kind and heartfelt and inspiring to tell you. You know — maybe a little sappy and still in the Birth of Jesus spirit?

Yeah, no.

I just want to laugh. Full out peeing my pants laughter or a fit of giggles will do.

Maybe you do too! So today, I present ... Read More

Poor Dennis. He taught me how to play pickleball almost a year ago and then he had to go ahead and beat me four games in a row today. Or maybe it was five. I lost count.

As I packed up to go, he threw a ball in my bag. It wasn’t my ball. It was one that had gotten stepped ... Read More

“I always believed in God. I didn’t always know He believed in me.” -Matt Maher from Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers

I heard those words as I sat in the dark movie theater. It was a record-screeching, everything comes to a halt, moment.

I grabbed my phone and the friend next to me simply said, “Yup.” She had heard it too, ... Read More

I’m not above bribery.

This morning I woke up to find a note next to my computer:


When I wake up ask me about Psalm 23. I know it but I will forget to do it for you if you don’t remind me.”

I have three children, but the one who left this note didn’t need to sign it. He knows ... Read More