Author: nicole

Any day now, I am certain the producers of Wheel of Fortune will be calling. I’m so certain that I continue to hone my skills by solving puzzles on their game show app. If you see me looking at my phone, I’m not on Instagram, I’m on “The Wheel”.

There is one puzzle though, I haven’t quite solved.

Why do I always ... Read More

I was playing pickleball this morning when I heard someone on another court say, “She’s the coach’s wife.” A quick glance confirmed I was the only coach’s wife in the vicinity so I yelled across three courts, “I can hear you!” I just wanted to make sure they knew their voices were carrying before they said something regrettable.

Do you ever ... Read More

When I decided to take a sabbatical at the beginning of the summer, I knew I’d be back, but I had no idea when. Or how.

How could I possibly pour into others about the goodness of God and people when my faith in both were on shaky ground?

Let me back up and get really honest.

Last January, about the time I ... Read More

I met Tom at the gym 10 years ago. In his mid-70s, he was bold enough to say what he thought.

“Young lady, you’re the one writing that new column in the paper, right? ‘Kindness is Contagious’? I want to tell you I’m praying for you. When you do God’s work, the enemy takes notice. But keep going. What you’re doing ... Read More

When my son was in kindergarten, his teacher allowed me to sneak into the classroom once a week to talk about kindness with the kids.

It was the most difficult and delightful experience I’ve ever had. Any discussion about a kind character in a book usually spiraled into a goldfish dying or a loose tooth. You would have been impressed with ... Read More

Isn’t it fun when we’re just going about life as usual and kindness steps in to make the day special?

That happened recently to a woman in Wisconsin who shared this story with me.

“It was a regular grocery shopping Tuesday. Alaina, our 5-year-old, was taking a break from virtual kindergarten and tagging along.

“As we walk in, Alaina asks if we can ... Read More

Every once in a while I want to borrow a small child. I don’t need to keep them, I already have three of my own.

I just need a little one for special occasions. Like when I’m at a parade and really want the Tootsie Rolls that come raining down at my feet.

Or when I’m at Disney World and ... Read More

Every community has its prominent figures, and Aberdeen, S.D., is no different.

Don Meyer is a legendary basketball coach in these parts. In fact, there is a marble bust of Don just outside my husband’s door in the Northern State University basketball offices. My husband can see it staring through the window at him. No pressure, Saul. Just don’t disappoint Don.

Don ... Read More

I drank a lot during the first 10 years of my marriage. What started out as a social pastime became a coping mechanism.

My husband is a college basketball coach, so I shouldn’t have been surprised, but it seemed like he was always on the road recruiting or competing. That left me at home putting chicken nuggets in the microwave and ... Read More

My mom has lived in sunny Florida for a half dozen years. In that time, she has taken notice of a small roadside memorial.

Have you ever seen those? They always make me pause. The little cross, some plastic flowers, clearly left by someone who grieves the loss of a friend, child or spouse who died in a vehicle.

I see them ... Read More