Author: nicole

Life becomes so sweet when we stop making it about ourselves. I know this, but sometimes I need a refresher course.

My sixth-grade son, Ben, and I were working at our church’s annual pie auction to earn some money for his mission trip coming up this summer.

I signed us up for “Pie Walker” or something ... Read More

I put my underwear on inside-out twice in the past week. Too much information? Yeah, sorry about that.

The first time I did it, I was visiting my father and I suspected my mind was on him. But then I did it again after I got home and I’m not sure what I was thinking at that point. Clearly, I was ... Read More

Someone I love in Ohio got into a car accident over the weekend. My first thought was to run to him. He’s okay, but I wanted to be there. To hug his neck and pray with him and reassure him that this accident at age 16 might keep him out of baseball for the season, but it won’t define the ... Read More

It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done. And it’s happening in 45 American minutes.

I am meeting with a woman who is going to unscrew the top of my head and peek inside. (I mean that figuratively, not literally, thank you Jesus.)

I am going to a psychological evaluation.

It’s part of the process to become a pastor. Did I mention I’m starting ... Read More

You should have seen my face when the nurse told me I had to go home with a catheter. I was less than cheerful. Yet, I obeyed, because what choice did I really have?

Last week’s hysterectomy was a smashing success, minus the bag of my own urine I have had to carry around for the last five days.

God always seems ... Read More

I’m having some trust issues lately. Ever been there?

It’s not my husband or my kids or my friends. It’s bigger than that. I’m having a hard time trusting God.

I’m not telling you anything I haven’t told Him. Believe me, I’ve told Him. It’s a good thing He’s patient and abounding in love. I’d have kicked me to the curb by ... Read More

Anna Dravland had the worst headache of her life. Carrying on through the searing pain in her head, Anna set out, walking to work. It was 2017 and she was 34 years old.

Her day stopped suddenly when she collapsed in the middle of the street. Anna suffered a massive stroke that nearly took her life. She woke up three days ... Read More

She’s 18. I can’t believe she’s 18. It’s like reading a book that has a Part 1 and a Part 2. We are reading the last chapter of Part 1 and are wondering what plot twists and new characters Part 2 will reveal.

I cried when I found out I was pregnant with a girl. Saul and I had tried to ... Read More

I slipped my hand into my husband’s and whispered, “You don’t need to say anything. Just stand here with me. I’m scared.”

He knew exactly what I was talking about. Despite being in a gym crowded with youthful basketball players and their excited parents and grandparents, it felt like it was just the two of us. A united front. Ready to ... Read More

I talked with Max the other day. You know, Max, right? Pastor, author, Fixer Upper alum. More than 154 million copies of his books sold globally. That Max.

Some people like to call him by his full name, Max Lucado, but I prefer to keep our relationship casual.

He asked me to send him some copies of my book, so I’ll probably ... Read More