Author: nicole

Someone challenged me recently to put 5 pictures on Facebook in which I feel beautiful. Yikes… it’s not that I have a poor outlook of myself or really low self-esteem, it’s just that most of the time I’m the one taking the picture. Besides, it’s a very uncomfortable feeling to say, “Here, look at this picture! Don’t I look hot?”

So ... Read More

Have you ever had a life experience in which you thought to yourself, “If I can just live through this, it’ll all be OK?”

I have had several, and I’m a little embarrassed to say they weren’t caused by the bad things in my life. They were caused by the good things. Those moments of acute anxiety were caused by things ... Read More

My friend, Mary, called the other day with a brilliant analogy. “Friends are like jeans,” she said, “some are just so comfy.”

I can’t get that out of my mind. Since I’ve moved to Athens, I’ve been able to see so clearly how every friend I have or have had is like a pair of jeans.

Mary’s the red pair. They never ... Read More

My friend, Mimi, is a Professional Encourager. Honestly. She has the business card to prove it. God gave her the gift of fearlessness, and she uses it, REALLY uses it to tell anyone in her path how great they are.

Two years ago, I saw Mimi at a reunion for Miss America contestants. We hadn’t seen each other for 15 years, ... Read More

Seventeen years ago this very weekend, I competed in the Miss America pageant representing my home state of Wisconsin.

When the pageant was over, I came home with an interview award, $10,000 in scholarship money and a whole bunch of sparkly earrings (some of which are still in my jewelry box).

When people ask how I did, I like to tell them ... Read More

I’m starting to learn the perks of small-town living… the babysitter I left my kids with these past two days is the cousin of my son’s football coach, who is the husband of my son’s third grade teacher, who is the sister-in-law of my daughter’s fifth grade teacher. Think any of my kids got away with ANYTHING while I was ... Read More

Everyday I try to write down something for which I am grateful. I have to admit that most of the time, I’m pretty materialistic. I sit there thinking for about 5 minutes, then end up jotting down something about a warm house, money to buy groceries and a bed to sleep in.
Healthy kids and a faithful husband have also ... Read More

I would like to warn all of my friends in Fargo that someday, when I see you again, you will not be getting the same old me. Nicole 2.0 has arrived. In the past, you sweet, sweet friends would lovingly invite me into your homes knowing that I would show up with a take-and-bake pizza (always pepperoni) and a giant ... Read More

There is a unique solidarity among coaches’ wives.

Coaches’ wives get the fact that our husbands watch tape until 2 a.m., and that they are on recruiting calls while we are on vacation, and that they walk around a little grumpy the day after a big loss.

Coaches’ wives who are also moms understand something else: We often parent alone.

I pride myself ... Read More

This weekend is the last big hurrah for the lake crowd (sorry for reminding you) and for everyone else who wants to sneak in one last long weekend of fun before we buckle down for the fall.

I’m not sure if you know this about me, but I’m kind of a hermit. I would much rather stay home with my little ... Read More