So… the husband and I went to meet with the Gifted & Talented teacher at Jordan’s school this morning. All three kids (10,8 & 4) were in the room with us. I was having an incredible “Proud Mom” moment– the children were quietly reading, looking like complete angels as the teacher was telling me how bright my sweet daughter is. ... Read More

Author: nicole
Why Me?
Several months ago, when we left North Dakota for Ohio, we moved into a lovely home tucked into a quiet, wooded neighborhood in the city of Athens.
Just before you turn to go up the hill into our subdivision, you pass a little log cabin. On first glance, it’s beautiful. Very shabby-chic. On second glance, it’s a whole lot more shabby ... Read More
Kind Gift Helps Couple Celebrate Anniversary
I never wanted to get married. I didn’t believe in the institution of marriage. I honestly thought it was impossible for a man and a woman to remain faithful to each other for a lifetime.
I dated. I eventually wanted children. I hadn’t worked out all the details, but I was certain marriage would not be part of the equation.
I’m not ... Read More
My New Home
So, I’m not very good at taking pictures, or sharing pictures, or really anything artistic, but I’m trying to get better and wanted to share this one with you.
On the left hand side of this photo, you can see the Convo Center in Athens, Ohio, where my husband coaches Bobcat Basketball. The team is in Canada for a tournament (they’ve ... Read More
Anonymous Letter Prompts Look for Special People in our Lives
I remember the first time I saw a $2 bill. I was about 5 or 6 years old, and I thought someone was playing a joke on me.
It looked real, but that 2 in the corner, where the 1 or the 5 or the 10 should have been just seemed so odd.I’ve run into a few other $2 bills in ... Read MoreKindness is Contagious on Saturdays!
Hello! I’m taking a bit of a recess on daily posts this summer to play with the kids, but I hope you’ll stop by the BLOG tab for my weekly column- Kindness is Contagious!
Mysterious Sign Revolves Around Kindness
Have you ever driven by a sign outside of a business again and again, always wondering what it meant but never taking the time to find out?
My interest-piquing sign is at the corner of Main Avenue and Fourth Street in downtown Fargo. By my math, I’ve driven by that Cenex station more than 2,600 times (You don’t even want to ... Read MoreBoy Turns Mean Joke into Act of Kindness
I recently talked to the father of a Minnesota boy who could very well capture the attention of the nation and change the way the medical world uses marijuana.
Brett Solum is a 13-year-old boy who, in many ways, is like a lot of other teenagers. He goes to Moorhead Middle School where he’ll soon be starting seventh grade. He likes ... Read More
A Token of Kindness Can Heal a Heart
Nothing scares me more than the thought of losing a child. And yet, tragically, it happens.
I have never been able to grasp how parents get through an experience like that. And yet, miraculously, they do.Jeanette Maré lost her son, Ben, when he was just 3 years old. His airways constricted, and he was gone in moments.
“The depth of pain we ... Read More
Serving Others Makes ‘A Wonderful Life’
I’m way out of season here, but do you remember that movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life?” My husband and I watch it every Christmas snuggled up on the couch. I start getting misty-eyed right about the time Clarence, the guardian angel, jumps into the river, forcing George Bailey to save him. When the town comes through for George at the ... Read More