Did you know that if you use too much toilet paper it will get stuck in the pipes and your toilet will overflow? And did you know that if you have three inches of water on your upstairs bathroom floor it will begin raining down into your kitchen? Did you also know if you get potty water on the carpet ... Read More

Author: nicole
One Special Friend to Show Kindness
Have you ever felt like everyone was in on a joke except you?
I’m not sure if I should feel angry or sad, but deep in my heart, I’m feeling a strange combination of dark emotions that are all jumbled together and desperately striving to find the light.And it’s all the result of a third-grade birthday party.
My son goes to school ... Read More
Mouse Hunters
The last — LAST thing I wanted to do today was call an exterminator, but when my husband mentioned this morning that for the past two nights he’s been hearing “scurrying” in the walls after I’ve gone to bed, I called.
Actually, calling was the second step. The first step was sending out a frantic plea on Facebook asking other moms ... Read More
Sometimes Kindness Means Extending the Olive Branch
I am the youngest of 50 cousins on my dad’s side of the family. I have several hundred second-cousins, but please don’t ask me to name more than 10 of them.
The last family reunion was held at a park in Wisconsin and was a bit of a community event. It’s always hard to tell who is really part of the ... Read More
Couple Shows Kindness Through Fruits of Labor
There has been a big white garbage bag sitting on our back porch for about three weeks.
My sweet daughter, Jordan, planted a garden this spring, lovingly tended it all summer, beamed with pride when we used her homegrown carrots in a pot roast, and then painstakingly pulled all the left-over vines, leaves and roots when the weather turned cool.She ... Read More
Sick Day
Remember yesterday when I said you should take a “Do Nothing Moment” for yourself? It has recently been revealed to me that sometimes God will decide you need an entire DAY to do nothing… and give you a kid who is sick enough to stay home from school, but not too sick to snuggle and watch movies. Oh how I ... Read More
Do Nothing Moment
I have nothing to do. Seriously. It’s the strangest feeling in the world.
I came home from the gym this morning with every intention of doing what I do every morning: walking into my house and then moving around mindlessly until it’s noon and time to pick up my youngest son from preschool. Normally I unload the dishwasher, fiddle with the ... Read More
Taking the Sting Out of Urgent Care
I broke my 33 year sting-free streak this weekend… The last time I was stung, I was 6 years old. This time it wasn’t a bee that got me, it was a big black wasp.
I put my hand down on a railing at an outdoor restaurant Friday night and promptly lifted it back up again with what my husband described ... Read More
Train Your Focus on the Light of Kindness
Have you ever noticed that when you get something stuck in your mind you start seeing it everywhere?
When I gave up drinking, every billboard I drove past for at least a month was advertising some sort of alcoholic beverage.When Saul and I started thinking about getting a security system for the new house, it seemed like we had a non-stop ... Read MoreWhat Does God Do?
Overheard in my kitchen this morning:
Charlie (8): What is God’s hobby?
Jordan (10): Taking care of people.
Charlie: Are you sure? Why would he do that? He doesn’t get paid.
Jordan: That’s why it’s called a hobby.
I’m pretty sure I should have stepped in from the other room with some great theological answer or life lesson, but I didn’t. I’m ... Read More