My favorite weapon in spiritual warfare is Kindness. If you don’t understand spiritual warfare, let me make it very simple: Whenever someone throws bitterness or negativity at you, throw Kindness back. It’s a much stronger weapon.

Author: nicole
Who Gets Your Time?
Have you ever stopped to think about who or what gets the best part of you? I give a lot of time to things that deserve to be last on the list and very little time sometimes to the things that deserve to be first.
Repeat Daily
I will strive to find my identity in God, not in the work I do, the people I know, or the things I have. Repeat daily– or multiple times a day if your name is Nicole.
A Crowd or An Individual?
When Jesus was teaching, He didn’t see a crowd. He saw individuals. When we start looking at people through a lens that sees each person’s hurt, struggles and insecurities, we will be ready to love them and heal them as Jesus did.
You Love Me
God, help me to love you as much as you love me. I fall short in so many ways, but am thankful that you never hold it against me, and you are always willing to let me try again.
Explosive Blessings
I pray that you know God’s great love for you today through His explosive blessings on your circumstances. Amen.
…And if you love the words “explosive blessings” as much as I do, read Joel Osteen’s book, I Declare. It’s a good one!
God’s Not Done
May you always remember that even though you’re not where you want to be, you’re also not where you were. In other words: God’s not done yet.
The Red, White and Blue of Kindness
If you haven’t pulled every red, white and blue decoration out of storage by now, you’re late. If that’s you, grab something colorful from your closet and then come back and finish reading this column.
The colors have been unfurled for a weekend of family, food and fireworks. While festive, I appreciate that combination of colors for the switch it turns ... Read More
Be Set Free
Freedom is a stunning gift from God, and it doesn’t need to be limited to countries or governments. If there are areas in your life that are holding you captive, take them to the One who can set you free.
The Fire Refines Us
When I have trouble trusting God and worry about the future, all I have to do is look at the past. He has pulled me through every fire and refined me along the way. I wouldn’t want to be the person I was 10 years ago. I wonder if I’ll look back 10 years from now and think the same ... Read More