Author: nicole

Are you flipping out about life right now? You may be happy to know you’re not alone. I have some teacher friends who will tell you this time of year is wack-a-doodle. Frazzled nerves, to-do lists up the wazoo, and a strange combination of melancholy and glee.

Next, we have the parents who are planning graduation parties for their high school ... Read More

I know there are kind people all over the world, but there are certain things that come across my computer that leave me thinking, “That could only happen in North Dakota.”

Or maybe it’s a small-town thing. I don’t really know, but isn’t it nice to hear that goodness still exists in our communities and people will go out of their ... Read More

Are you okay? Is everything alright? Are you waiting for someone?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

The last place I expected to find myself last Friday night was on a curb outside a Speedway gas station in a town with no posted population.

But there I was. Desperately wanting to be home after a week on the road and instead stranded in a parking ... Read More

When I was little, my mom taught English as a Second Language.

Now in her 70s, she continues to teach. She has always had a heart for people who are new to our country. I’ve often wondered about the impact she has made on her students that she’ll never know.

Sometimes all it takes is one person in our corner, believing in ... Read More

My birthday is tomorrow, and I need your help deciding what to get myself. What I really want is for my husband to get a job, but since I don’t have any control over that, I’m going with Plan B. What I want for my birthday is to get high.

Now, I think we’ve known each other long enough for you ... Read More

Be brave. Be kind. Be you. That’s what I’m trying to teach my kids.

The message seems to get through to them at home, but the majority of their day isn’t spent in the comfy and (usually) considerate confines of our house. Their day is spent in school where snap decisions and snarky words can sometimes get the best of them.

A ... Read More

We have a guest blog today from my dear friend, Christa (Miss Christa as we call her in our house). She moved to NYC from little ole Athens a few years ago. When she first moved, she saw everything through the eyes of an Ohio girl. Lately, she has noticed her vision narrowing, so she decided to do something about ... Read More

Did you know you can see the crime rate in your neighborhood?

If you go online to Trulia, a home buying website, you can click a little button that says “Crime.” The map is light blue in areas where there are few reported problems and dark blue where there are more crimes.

What if we could see the ... Read More

Have you ever found a penny on the ground and thought, “WOO HOO! I’m rich!”

Yeah, me neither.

I do like pennies though. Several years ago I got something in my head about pennies from Heaven so now when I find one randomly lying on my laundry room floor I think about how much God loves me.

That’s a nice feeling.

Saul has a ... Read More