Author: nicole

Hi, my name is Sarah and I have hacked into Nicole’s account. It’s ok-I’m on her kindness team and she said just this one time she would let me share my thoughts with everyone instead of her regular Monday blog. Hope that’s ok with y’all.

Did you catch her on the Price is Right? If not, check out the link here ... Read More

I am not a picture taker. That’s my mother-in-law. And my sister-in-law.

Going on vacation with them is an exercise in patience because we are constantly stopping to pose.

I was only annoyed until the first scrapbook arrived. Now, I have years of memories lovingly laid out in tidy books on my shelf.

Sarah loves to take pictures, and not just of her ... Read More

So there you are, staring at a door slammed solidly in your face. “When God closes a door, He opens a window!” your friends thoughtfully remind you.

That phrase is kind and helpful to remember, but something about it always sits wrong with me.

Why would God take away an entire door and then leave me with just a little ... Read More

My husband and I drove the 90 minutes to the cancer center with no idea what to expect. We knew they were going to confirm I had breast cancer, but beyond that, we were clueless.

I wore the white and pink robe around the facility from machine to machine, doctor to doctor, until I got to the last room of the ... Read More

Even if your life in general is going swimmingly, I would venture to guess you have things in your sphere that aren’t awesome.

My husband doesn’t have a job yet — not awesome.

My dog was sick as a dog this week — not awesome.

My creative juices are all dried up (with three big presentations on the horizon) — not awesome.

Can you ... Read More

Shortly after we were married, my father gave Saul and me matching work boots.

I remember being perplexed at the time. We didn’t live on a farm and I wasn’t known for my manual labor skills. Sure enough, Dad was right.

In 2009, my husband and I donned our matching boots hour after hour as we became part of the Fargo workforce ... Read More

I never post on social media on Saturdays or Sundays. I’d stand on my pedestal and say, “The weekend is reserved for my family” but the truth is I’m just a little bit lazy and I like to sleep in.

I couldn’t sleep this past Saturday so I shuffled into my office, threw on some headphones and started listing to music ... Read More

You know what’s better than one third-grade boy in the back seat of your car? Three third-grade boys in the back seat of your car.

In the course of a 15-minute ride, my son Ben will ask at least 150 questions, including, “Mom, does Area 51 really exist?” “Mom, do you think there will be flying cars in my lifetime?” “Mom, ... Read More

He turned in his keys, his parking pass, and his staff ID. My husband is no longer employed at Ohio University. I won’t say he was fired because as a general rule I don’t use the “f” word. His contract was up and the Athletic Director decided to go in a different direction. A gentlemanly parting of ways, if you ... Read More

Are you sick of winter yet? I know. Stupid question.

I’m in Ohio, so we’re seeing promises that spring will indeed arrive, but I remember all too well the 10 winters we lived in Fargo. Even if there are signs of new life, another cold spell comes blasting in and March feels like the dead of winter.

People are crabby. Everyone is ... Read More