Author: nicole

I woke up this morning and knew I couldn’t write.

As a general rule, I don’t like to write for public consumption (for other people to read) until I have processed my thoughts and feelings about an event. Sometimes writing helps me think things through, but in general, I have to come to a conclusion about how God is working ... Read More

My kids had a few special baby sitters when they were little, and Desire’e Larson was one of them. We’ve moved away and the kids have gotten older, so it’s been awhile since we’ve been in touch.

I got a message from Desire’e recently and I wasn’t surprised to find that the Larson family is still spreading kindness. She sent me ... Read More

Before my dad had a stroke, he loved verbally jousting. Politics and policies and people, my dad had an opinion and he enjoyed hearing what other people thought about those subjects too. It was like his own version of sudoko, it kept him mentally sharp.

One day, shortly after I had rediscovered a relationship with God, my dad hit me ... Read More

Would you rather have 100 casual acquaintances or one special friend?

It’s a no-brainer, right? We all long to have someone special in our lives. But that can be tricky when the world only sees your disabilities.

Ciera Ball is mostly nonverbal, was diagnosed with autism and has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). That can be a tough combination when forming attachments ... Read More

While the rest of the United States of America was watching the Red Carpet festivities for the Oscars, my family was watching Dumb and Dumber.

No apologies. There is nothing better than sitting around and giggling about toilet jokes with your 45 year old husband and 8 year old son. Even my two teenagers thought Dumb and Dumber was a better ... Read More

I often say I have the happiest email inbox in the world. Every once in a while, I’ll also get a handwritten letter in my real mailbox explaining how someone is adding light to the world through kindness.

I’ve received the sweetest stories of kindness. Despite what you might see on the television, there is good in this world, no doubt ... Read More

Surgery update for anyone who cares followed by an important reminder for YOU.

I’m snuggled up in my home office with my dog and my computer. The boys are in the next room playing video games. I should cut off their screen time, but they’re in a continual state of giggles, so I think I’ll just let it be. Besides, that ... Read More

I can’t remember the exact year, but I remember the date: Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve.

Saul and I were living in a little house in north Fargo and Jordan was a baby. It was teeth-chattering cold outside, because that’s what winter in North Dakota is like. On this particular night, we were all cozy in bed until about 2 o’clock ... Read More

It’s been a few years since I’ve talked about my boobs so I thought I would spend my time with you today revisiting that topic.

In May of 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on my 40th birthday. No signs or symptoms, it was found during a routine annual exam. (We interrupt this story for a public service announcement: Women, ... Read More

Andy Smallman is a go-getter. He’s a teacher, and when he realized he didn’t like the way schools were educating students, he started a new one.

It’s been up and running in Seattle since 1994. But Andy isn’t just a go-getter — he’s a go-giver, too.

“Let me start by saying I’ve got this thing for the number 143 and have for ... Read More