Tag: saul phillips

Did you know that college basketball players can’t fit into regular people’s shoelaces? Not shoes. Shoelaces.

I’m not sure how I missed this detail. Considering most of my husband’s players wear a size 16 shoe, it would make sense that the laces to tie those high-tops would need to be extra long. I just didn’t know they needed to be that ... Read More

I need to find my husband some pink shoelaces today. That’s my mission and if I need to drive 45 minutes from my home to find a Target to do so, it will be done.

Friday night the Ohio Bobcats play Kent State at the Convo Center here in Athens. On the sideline, you will find my husband wearing a sharp ... Read More

I sat through one of the ugliest basketball games ever a few nights ago. I’m not great with details, so I’ll just say this: the Bobcats were playing some other team, we were ahead by a lot, and then we weren’t. That in itself could make it an ugly game, but add in a bench-clearing brawl and my husband’s ... Read More

As the wife of a college basketball coach and a Wisconsin native, in our house we tally wins and losses based on my husband’s team’s record or the Packers’ odds of winning a Superbowl. This time, we’re celebrating a win off the hardwood.

Nine out of nine of my genetic tests came back negative– which is a huge positive when it ... Read More

I was lying in bed like a starfish this morning. My mind had clocked in for the day, but my body was all… nah.

My thoughts were chasing squirrels all over the room until they somehow landed on what I now call my “Trifecta of Inspiration.” Has a nice ring, doesn’t it?

Mister Rogers, Dolly Parton and Joanna ... Read More

A woman I know just had hip replacement surgery and it’s really getting her down. She is healthy and sassy and spry and assumed she’d be in a bit of pain, but also assumed she’d be back to her old routine in no time. And she will be, but right now it doesn’t feel that way. Right now, she’s in ... Read More

I’m putting the Open for Business sign back in the window. Two weeks ago, I left Internet Land in hopes of clearing out some of the negativity that was threatening to suffocate me. You know that boa constrictor song from music class? I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor… oh no, he swallowed my toe… oh gee, he’s up to ... Read More

By the time I got home from church on Sunday, my husband and son had every bin of Christmas decor pulled from the top shelf of the garage and set on the living room floor.

I was touched. Normally, I sort of sneak everything down while Saul is at work. My husband then comes home and good-naturedly rolls his eyes, saying ... Read More

Last night, Saul and I did something we’ve never done before… get your mind out of the gutter. This is a family blog.

We got a babysitter, got all dressed up, and went to The Pink Tie Affair, which was put on by the Ohio University Interfraternity Council. They served us dinner, made us feel like total celebrities, and then invited ... Read More

I’m heading to Columbus today for another fill. Once a week, I drive to the big city to visit Nurse Holly (or Nurse Susan, who is also awesome) for a quick little saline injection.

They are continuing to fill up the expander pouch under the chest muscle of my missing breast, and it’s working! There is a small mound growing, and ... Read More