Tag: saul phillips

Have you ever had a time in your life that seemed to call for a fast-forward button? Maybe it was a painful breakup or season of illness or time of great loss. You would have given anything to grab the remote and skip to the next scene, the one where everyone is happy and reunited and reminiscing over a glass ... Read More

Pain is like a really mean bully. You look him in the eye and say “You’re not so tough,” and then he punches you in the face and you realize you were wrong. He is so tough.

I was recovering nicely from last Tuesday’s reconstruction surgery. So well, in fact, that I decided to go to my daughter’s volleyball game ... Read More

Hello Friends!

Just a quick update to let you know that surgery went well on Tuesday. At least I think it went well. I’m still here, so that’s a good sign, but I haven’t peeked under the bandages, so I can’t say if the doctors actually did what they were supposed to do.

To review, I went in for a “swap” ... Read More

Tomorrow’s the big day. I’m heading back to THE JAMES for reconstructive surgery. For anyone who cares about the details, Saul and I have to be in Columbus by 9:30 for an 11:30 surgery. It should take less than three hours and after another two hours in the recovery room, I’m free to come home. Then I get to lie ... Read More

I had one prominent thought floating through my head as I prepared for my latest speech: they picked the wrong girl.

Saul and I were getting ready to share our story at the Cleveland Women’s Leadership Symposium. We felt like royalty– a nice hotel, fancy restaurants, a gift bag of goodies. But as I woke up early to run through ... Read More

I won’t be able to vacuum for 8 weeks. See? This breast cancer stuff has some real benefits!

I had my pre-op appointment at THE JAMES yesterday and learned all about the procedure and the recovery. Basically, Saul and I will arrive at the hospital on April 26th at 9am, the surgery will begin at 11:30, it’ll be done by 2:30, ... Read More

Wonderment. It’s one of the most beautiful parts of parenting. When my babies were little, wonderment was more of a daily occurrence. I would look at them in awe as they learned to roll over or say ‘momma’ or blow kisses. Then they took their first wobbly steps and Saul and I were so captivated we contemplated renting a billboard ... Read More

I feel like I’m standing in line, waiting to ride the world’s best rollercoaster. Later this week, I’ll pack up the family and we’ll head to Cleveland for the MAC tournament. For my non-sporty friends, that’s our conference basketball tourney. If our team wins, the Bobcats will head to the NCAA tournament. (That’s the big leagues, non-sporties.)

Saul’s teams have been ... Read More

My husband has just won an award that has us doubled over in hysterics. Hold on a sec, I have to quit laughing. Okay, are you ready?

My husband, Saul Phillips, has been named the third sexiest mid-major coach of 2016! Need to see the documentation for yourself? I can’t blame you. Not everyone gets that kind of national ... Read More

I’ve decided it’s WAY less stressful to have my husband sitting next to me in the stands at a college basketball game than to have him out there on the side lines.

My entire family went to the OU Women’s basketball game last night. The women played Miami (of Ohio) and won by 3000 points, so that brought the stress ... Read More