Tag: saul phillips

Someone I love in Ohio got into a car accident over the weekend. My first thought was to run to him. He’s okay, but I wanted to be there. To hug his neck and pray with him and reassure him that this accident at age 16 might keep him out of baseball for the season, but it won’t define the ... Read More

Saul is a college basketball coach. He came home from practice the other night, and as usual, called out, “Hellooooo!” as he opened the door.

As usual, he dropped his work stuff on the floor and headed straight to the kitchen.

After he got some food in his belly, he returned to the couch, as usual, and opened his computer.

Once he got ... Read More

Being lost is such a scary feeling.

I remember being lost in the hilly one-way streets of Athens, Ohio a few days after we had moved to town. The panic started to rise in my throat until it reached my eyes and flowed out as tears. I pulled over and called my husband at work. Repeatedly. Until he finally answered.

His voice ... Read More

Things were bananas in our home this weekend. It was Saul’s 48th birthday. The guy wants nothing — except to be able to have a real basketball season and I can’t give him that. So, the kids and I put our brains together to figure out how we could celebrate this strong kind man in a way that is meaningful ... Read More

The window in front of me when I write is immense. My office is in a sunroom, so whichever way I turn my head, I see nature.

The sun is starting to get out of bed a little later each morning, so most days when I walk into my office, it’s dark. An interesting reflection is created in the windows ... Read More

Have you seen the #WeRemember video from @TheSocialCoUK? If you do nothing else today… no shower, no making of the bed, no brushing of the teeth… do this one thing. Watch the video.


It so perfectly lays out the beauty we will see on the other side of this crisis.

Kindness is unfolding before our very eyes. There are neighbors checking ... Read More

It’s Monday, but I’m stuck in a time warp because I’m at a basketball tournament in Sioux Falls, SD. Basketball tournaments do that to me. I forget what day it is, what time I’m supposed to go to bed and what I should to eat to stay a human in reasonably good shape.

So it’s Monday and thanks to the diligence ... Read More

There is a flower arrangement sitting on my kitchen table. It is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen, with red roses along with Stargazer lilies.

Do you want to hear something that will make you groan out loud? Stargazers are my favorite flowers because way back when Saul and I were dating, he brought me Stargazers the first ... Read More

A year ago we were living in a home filled with uncertainty. My husband’s basketball season was coming to a close and we were unsure what the next few months would bring.

While we thought there would be two more years to build the team, we could hear faint voices yelling from the sidelines, “Off with his head!”

Social media is ... Read More

A funny thing happened while I was carefully planning out my life: my husband nearly delivered a baby in a blizzard.

There I was, talking with my work team about how to remind people of the power of kindness. Should we order new stickers? How about pens that say, “Kindness is Contagious”?

Nope. Let’s just send Saul out in a snowstorm.

Last Monday ... Read More