Tag: saul phillips

He turned in his keys, his parking pass, and his staff ID. My husband is no longer employed at Ohio University. I won’t say he was fired because as a general rule I don’t use the “f” word. His contract was up and the Athletic Director decided to go in a different direction. A gentlemanly parting of ways, if you ... Read More

I don’t like stressy things which is why it’s God’s hysterical joke that I am a Division I basketball coach’s wife.

Saul and I knew each other as kids and we reconnected as young adults. As I sat across from him in that Italian restaurant on our first real date, he told me he was never going to get married because ... Read More

My husband is not a reader. Unless you count ESPN.com or a variety of online news sources, he pretty much goes for human interaction before settling into a good book.

He has been known to read the atlas in the bathtub, but since that’s mainly pictures, I’m not sure it counts.

Imagine my surprise when I walked onto the back ... Read More

Early in our marriage, my husband and I spent a lot of time together in the car. We’d go to the grocery store or out for dinner, Saul driving and me second guessing his every move from the passenger’s seat.

He always wanted to drive, which drove me nuts, because he likes to meander and I just want to get ... Read More

Do you remember this exact date, January 1st— 18 years ago?

I was living in sin with Saul. He had more hair and my boobs were real. Other than that, it was pretty much the same as it is now.

We partied like it was 1999 (because it was), but there was a definite foreboding in my heart. I worked at a ... Read More

I’m sure this article has nothing to do with you. It’s about difficult people. You might want to keep reading though, because you probably know a few folks in your life who fit the description.

A difficult person is someone who constantly seems to give their opinion— loudly— even when you haven’t asked for it; someone who has to complain about ... Read More

I’d like you to meet Ann. Ann is a professional photographer. She took all the photos of my bare chest during reconstruction for my upcoming breast cancer book. She’s used to seeing me naked. That’s why she has no problem walking into my house while I’m still in my pajamas, and I have no problem letting her.

Besides being a rockstar ... Read More

Saul and I got to go to Madison this past weekend. It was perfect.

Except when it wasn’t.

Had I posted the highlights on social media, you might have sat back and thought sarcastically, “Huh… good for her. She gets to do all the fun stuff.”

We were there for a benefit called Garding Against Cancer. Saul’s good friend, Greg Gard (the head ... Read More

God has a sense of humor. My friend, Sue, asked me to write a little something for her “Every Table Tells a Story” series. Here’s why that’s funny. I don’t invite people to my table, I invite them to my couch.

When people come to my table, they get sick. Like the time two of my husband’s ... Read More