Tag: saul phillips

My husband was supposed to be on the team bus. That’s what he always does. His basketball team was heading out for a weekend double header and he rides the bus.

Only, at the last minute, he decided to drive his own car.

That night after the first game (a win!) he followed the bus to the next city. The ... Read More

I feel sorry for people who live in warm climates. They never get to experience the incredible kindness that comes in the middle of a massive snowstorm.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, my family drove from Aberdeen, S.D., to Moorhead, MN., for my husband’s basketball game. A friend let us stay at her house while she was gone for the weekend. Our little ... Read More

I told you I was shutting down my blog this summer as my family moves from Ohio to South Dakota, but I just gotta share something. Then I’ll go dark again, I promise.

We are temporarily living in a college rental house. Think keg parties and red Solo cups. Come August, this grand house will get all the excitement she can ... Read More

I’m about to go dark on you. Not dark as in a trench coat, heavy boots and lots of black eye liner. I’m about to say goodbye.

Okay, that was a touch overly dramatic of me. Let me try again. I’m going to dedicate this summer to writing a book that will be released by Baker Publishing in 2020. I’m going ... Read More

Are you flipping out about life right now? You may be happy to know you’re not alone. I have some teacher friends who will tell you this time of year is wack-a-doodle. Frazzled nerves, to-do lists up the wazoo, and a strange combination of melancholy and glee.

Next, we have the parents who are planning graduation parties for their high school ... Read More

Are you okay? Is everything alright? Are you waiting for someone?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

The last place I expected to find myself last Friday night was on a curb outside a Speedway gas station in a town with no posted population.

But there I was. Desperately wanting to be home after a week on the road and instead stranded in a parking ... Read More

Have you ever found a penny on the ground and thought, “WOO HOO! I’m rich!”

Yeah, me neither.

I do like pennies though. Several years ago I got something in my head about pennies from Heaven so now when I find one randomly lying on my laundry room floor I think about how much God loves me.

That’s a nice feeling.

Saul has a ... Read More

So there you are, staring at a door slammed solidly in your face. “When God closes a door, He opens a window!” your friends thoughtfully remind you.

That phrase is kind and helpful to remember, but something about it always sits wrong with me.

Why would God take away an entire door and then leave me with just a little ... Read More

Shortly after we were married, my father gave Saul and me matching work boots.

I remember being perplexed at the time. We didn’t live on a farm and I wasn’t known for my manual labor skills. Sure enough, Dad was right.

In 2009, my husband and I donned our matching boots hour after hour as we became part of the Fargo workforce ... Read More

I never post on social media on Saturdays or Sundays. I’d stand on my pedestal and say, “The weekend is reserved for my family” but the truth is I’m just a little bit lazy and I like to sleep in.

I couldn’t sleep this past Saturday so I shuffled into my office, threw on some headphones and started listing to music ... Read More