Tag: saul phillips

Thank God it’s Monday! I know most of you are thinking the same thing right now… right? Okay. Maybe not, but today is a day of celebration for me, because today is the day I get to DRIVE! All by myself! In a car! It’s like I’m 16 again.

Saul put me on bedrest for the entire weekend in an effort ... Read More

I am drain free! Yippee!! I still can’t lift more than 5 pounds or raise my arms above my shoulders, but I am drain free and I count that as a WIN! By tomorrow morning, I’ll even be able to shower by myself. Check me out, I have a new lease on life!

Why is she so ecstatic you may wonder? ... Read More

I remember Saul talking to the children earlier this month. It was about two weeks before my July 14 mastectomy. Our three kids were acting like kids sometimes act in the middle of summer: squirrely. They were fighting with each other and complaining about what was or wasn’t in the refrigerator and pretending they couldn’t hear me when I asked ... Read More

There are upsides to cancer. Lots of them, if you’re willing to stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen and start thinking about all the good things that are happening.

Here are a few I’ve noticed:

My family has never eaten so well. Friends have brought over a variety of meals, my Aunt Mary (known for her cooking expertise) ... Read More

Sing this song with me: “You can’t always get what you want… you can’t always get what you want… you can’t always get what you want… but if you try sometimes, you might just find, you get what you need.”

My husband tells me it’s by The Rolling Stones. I’ll have to take his word for it. I’m too tired to ... Read More

I seldom swear. I used to. A lot. Then I started to feel kind of dirty whenever obscenities would come out of my mouth, so I stopped. Maybe that was God’s way of saying to me, “Can’t you find a better word?” Or maybe I’m just getting older. I don’t know…

Anyway, this weekend, standing in the middle of McDonald’s (thankfully, ... Read More

Never window shop for something you have no intention of buying. In an effort to stop researching breast cancer on the internet (which makes me sad), I started researching cars (which produces no emotional reaction).

Wouldn’t you just know it? I fell in love with a 2004 Audi convertible in Cincinnati. It was too far away and too expensive, which made ... Read More

So this struck me as pretty funny: Saul and I were talking last night and I mentioned this blog. I started to explain something I’d written when he got this sheepish-yet-defiant look on his face.

“What?” I said.

“Yeah, I’ve been reading them.” He kind of mumbled.

Now this is funny, because for the past 4 years, the only way I could get ... Read More

Jordan and I are on our way home from our girls’ trip to Chicago. Literally, we are on the plane in the air. I’m probably breaking some rules here, but the flight attendants are awfully friendly to me. They must know I have breast cancer.

Chicago was a blast! We met my friend, Andrea, and her daughter, Peyton, and absolutely crushed ... Read More

It came out in the paper yesterday. It wasn’t really a shock, since I’m the one who wrote it. I thought I had better use my weekly column to tell people about the cancer diagnosis before they heard it somewhere else. It’s been a year since we moved away, but I still have so many friends in Fargo and I ... Read More