Tag: kindness

Being in South Dakota means I get to be surrounded by wide-open spaces. Most of those spaces are fields that grow the food my family and I so often take for granted.

But not today. Today I am grateful for the woman who sent in this story, who has spent countless hours working in the bubble of a combine harvester to ... Read More

I went to middle and high school with a girl who always seemed to bound with energy. She was nice to everyone, which meant she was friends with everyone.

Our paths have rarely crossed in the nearly 30 years since graduation. The last I heard, she was a police detective working in Milwaukee, Wis.

I got confirmation of that from another old ... Read More

I got back from LA late Saturday night. The whole family was wide awake and practicing their best (loudest and highest) opera voices.

The next morning I went out to collect a week’s worth of mail. No one thought to bring it in, or maybe they knew I would get a kick out of seeing how many things our mailman, Kevin, ... Read More

I saw a really cute free-standing shelf and chair the other day that I knew would fit perfectly in my podcast studio. Unfortunately, they were not the perfect fit for my car.

I reclined seats and pushed aside bags, but could not get the pieces to even wedge through the door. That’s when I remembered my car is a convertible! That ... Read More

Things were bananas in our home this weekend. It was Saul’s 48th birthday. The guy wants nothing — except to be able to have a real basketball season and I can’t give him that. So, the kids and I put our brains together to figure out how we could celebrate this strong kind man in a way that is meaningful ... Read More

She’s known as the “Witch of Warroad.” Doesn’t sound like a compliment, does it?

It wouldn’t be, unless you’re Loralee Marvin, of Warroad, Minn., who looks forward to Halloween year-round. She says it’s the one time of year a person can dress up and act like a total goofball and no one seems to think anything less of them.

In her town, ... Read More

The awesome thing about living in a small town is that we get to see celebrities on a regular basis. We’ll be at the grocery store, standing in the cereal aisle when all of a sudden, BOOM!, Celebrity Sighting!

It’s just the coolest. My kids will back away shyly, barely able to make eye contact, waiting for the celebrity speak first.

They ... Read More

I have an amazing kindness team that includes three women who are way kinder than I am. I’m not being humble. It’s true.

They also have a way of noticing the kindness around them, which continues to inspire me to see it in my own life.

Sarah Tachon, who is my marketing guru, shared this refreshing story of kindness that I wanted ... Read More

I was reminded of something so very important this morning. I figured you might need reminding of this too.

You are the light that shines in the darkness of this world.

Every smile you send, every gentle response, every negative word you refuse to let out of your mouth — you are shining a much needed light.

Maybe you’re going through ... Read More

I have this thing about waving. I love to do it. I get such a kick out of smiling and waving and seeing total strangers wave back.

I think I found my soul mate (other than my husband, of course). Vinnie Rominger, of Battle Creek, Michigan likes to wave at people too. Only, he took it a step further and ... Read More