Tag: kindness

How in tune are you with what’s happening around you? Do you walk into the grocery store while texting on your phone? (I’m guilty.)

When you walk out of that store, would you be able to tell someone the color of the cashier’s eyes? (‘Fraid not.) Or even their shirt color? (Maybe.)

Sometimes my mind is so full of what needs to ... Read More

The window in front of me when I write is immense. My office is in a sunroom, so whichever way I turn my head, I see nature.

The sun is starting to get out of bed a little later each morning, so most days when I walk into my office, it’s dark. An interesting reflection is created in the windows ... Read More

I remember my son at age 2 meeting his first celebrity. Belle wore a beautiful tufted yellow dress, and although there were hoards of people waiting for her attention, in the moment he first bravely approached her, Princess Belle made Charlie the priority.

It seems like that kind of kindness between “celebrities” and the rest of us only happens in fairy ... Read More

I feel like I’m writing our annual Christmas letter either three months early or nine months late.

Jordan’s a junior now and excelling at everything…

Charlie is a freshman in high school and learning to drive. Everyone stay off the sidewalks! HaHaHa!

At age 10, Ben is still a fishing enthusiast…

I took the summer off from my blog, newsletter and ... Read More

Will someone please remind me of this crazy-hot weather when the snow is swirling and it’s 30 degrees below zero this winter?

Living in the Dakotas creates a sort of seasonal amnesia. When it’s hot, we forget it’s going to get really cold — and when it’s cold, we forget it’s going to get really hot. At least I do.

I prefer ... Read More

Heather Brebaugh is a magnet for kindness. She sees it everywhere she goes, and where she doesn’t see it, she creates it.

She reminds me of something I’ve learned over the years about kindness: it changes our perspective. It helps us get our eyes off of ourselves and our own problems. It moves our brain to a place of compassion for ... Read More

The resilience we’ve each had to learn through COVID will be a tool we rely on for the rest of our lives. That’s certainly one benefit of the last few months.

One more benefit I’ve seen is the realization that little things really do matter. I used to get caught up in the hustle, and sometimes I still do. More often, ... Read More

Sometimes we get numb to certain words. Phrases like, “How are you?” or “I’m praying for you,” or “You’re in my thoughts,” should mean something, but oftentimes they are said so flippantly that they begin to lose their meaning.

Gretchen Robinson, from South Hill, Va., found the power of kindness that lives in those words during a recent health crisis.

“A couple ... Read More

Can you believe some people aren’t huggers? I’m going through hug withdrawal thanks to COVID, but I know other people who are grateful for the physical distancing rules.

I was speaking at a high school a few years ago when a shy girl walked up to me to share something painful that was on her heart. She talked about needing hope ... Read More

Does anyone else feel like marriage is a tricky thing during COVID-19?

I say that only sort of jokingly. My husband and I had a conversation the other day about how different our daily interactions are with each other. Normally, as a college basketball coach, Saul is on the road recruiting or heading to away games. I spend a lot of ... Read More