Tag: kindness

I wonder how many opportunities for kindness we miss simply because we think, “It’s none of my business.”

I have driven past people without coats on a cold winter day and averted my eyes when someone was stuck on the side of the road. Have you?

Certainly, no one can do everything, but as the wife who sent in this letter explains, ... Read More

I’m often asked if the state of the world is as grim as it seems. I have to be honest: In my opinion, it’s not.

I get to hear good stories day after day, like this one sent in by Michelle Lund from West Fargo. They remind me that even though we don’t always get to see it, there is so ... Read More

There is a packet of hot chocolate sitting on my desk. I don’t care how cold the wind blows in South Dakota, I am determined not to drink it.

It’s not a weight loss or healthy eating thing. It’s a kindness thing.

I took my boys to Minneapolis for a weekend at the Mall of America to celebrate, well, nothing. We just ... Read More

I read something the other night that was darn near perfect. A women named Roxan took everything I’ve ever felt about kindness and put it onto electronic paper. It’s the yummiest thing I’ve read about kindness in a long time and I wish wish wish I’d have written it myself. I don’t know Roxan, but a lot of people do. ... Read More

There are kids in your community who are keeping a secret.

They want to participate in after-school activities but they won’t ask. Even in elementary or middle school, these kids already know the state of their parents’ or guardians’ budget.

They won’t ask to learn how to play the tuba or join the football team because they know there isn’t money for ... Read More

I am a rule follower. It makes me very nervous when someone uses a discount card that doesn’t belong to them or parks in an area that is designated for a specific business.

I do like to speed, but that’s another story.

My friend, Amanda, is also a rule follower. We both know that sometimes we need to bend a bit more ... Read More

I got to speak for the first time in Aberdeen last Friday. The place was packed with new friends, and as I stood there, I felt grateful.

At the end of my talk, I asked if anyone wanted to share their own story of kindness. A woman named Liz raised her hand. (For the record, I think her name was ... Read More

I often forget what a tough spot my kids are in each day. I send them off to school and ask them to be kind, but sometimes that gets confusing.

When the teacher is talking but a friend is trying to get your attention, what is the kind solution? When you’re trying to do your work but a classmate has a ... Read More

Have you ever had one of those nights where you’re almost asleep and your mind floats off and you’re sort of dreaming your way into blissful unconsciousness? Then all of a sudden those random thoughts form a real thought and BOOM! you’re wide awake?

I asked my daughter if that ever happens to her and she said she’s been known to ... Read More

You know how teachers have favorite grade levels?

The ones who teach middle school will tell you they love helping kids work through the uncertainty and challenges that come with being a new teen. The ones in high school enjoy developing the gifts of young people finding their way in the world.

And the teachers who shepherd elementary students? I think they ... Read More