Tag: kindness

A funny thing happened while I was carefully planning out my life: my husband nearly delivered a baby in a blizzard.

There I was, talking with my work team about how to remind people of the power of kindness. Should we order new stickers? How about pens that say, “Kindness is Contagious”?

Nope. Let’s just send Saul out in a snowstorm.

Last Monday ... Read More

Weigh in on this for me: Is it more fun to be a parent or grandparent?

I feel like I might know the answer based on the letters I received recently from some readers who make kindness a priority in the time they spend with their grandchildren.

Judi Sebeck, of Deerwood, Minn., sent in this story of kindness that almost went unnoticed.

“Our ... Read More

My husband was supposed to be on the team bus. That’s what he always does. His basketball team was heading out for a weekend double header and he rides the bus.

Only, at the last minute, he decided to drive his own car.

That night after the first game (a win!) he followed the bus to the next city. The ... Read More

Crime shows, murder-mysteries, suspense novels… are you hooked?

Do you love the adrenaline rush that comes from not knowing what will come next?

Not me. I like everything laid out and unfolding according to plan. If I can guess what happens next in a show, even better.

Life sometimes has a bit of mystery to it, and that’s not all bad. Sarah VanRoekel, ... Read More

The books on display at airport stores always catch my eye. They are the most important books. At least that’s what they seem to proclaim. They are the best-sellers, the ones everyone is talking about. The ones you better read if you don’t want to miss out.

I hope my next book will be one of the loud, important books everyone ... Read More

I’m starting to wonder how much snow a person can handle. I think my personal limit is about 2 inches.

If there has ever been a question about my level of kindness when it comes to snow, let me say, I’ve got lots of room to grow.

My 15-year-old daughter is outside clearing the driveway. I thought about helping her and then ... Read More

What’s on your mind? Are you excited about the possibilities of this new year? Or are you feeling like you need fewer problems and more solutions?

I’ll be honest, I spent a good part of Christmas break seeing the world’s problems and trying (unsuccessfully) to be the solution.

The harder I tried to be the answer, the trickier the questions ... Read More

I lost my dear friend, Tom, just before Christmas.

He was in his late 80s and his quality of life was diminishing, but even so, it’s hard to say goodbye.

One of the great gifts of these past six months was the amount of times I was able to visit Tom and his wife, Ann. My family’s move from Ohio to South ... Read More

For everything there is a season.

I’m saying goodbye to my dear friend, Tom, today. Tom was 86 and had cancer and a whole host of other health problems, yet I was shocked to learn he was gone.

He lived a good, full life and I know what he is seeing now is too magnificent for words. If he used ... Read More

My fourth grade son, Ben, told me his teacher pretends to vomit anytime the kids start bickering with each other in his class. Isn’t that hysterical?

Instead of yelling or raining down punishment, the teacher just walks over and pretends to gag. The kids immediately realize what they’re doing and are distracted enough to let it go.

The principal in that same ... Read More