Tag: kindness

Do you ever wonder if your kids or grandkids are going to turn out OK? I’ve spent more hours than I can count worrying about what my kids eat (or refuse to eat).

I try so hard not to micromanage them, but gosh it’s hard. When we’re away from the dinner table, I wonder if they’re reading enough. Should we be ... Read More

When I was in college, I worked at a place called The Bridge Bar. It was appropriately named since it was indeed tucked next to a big bridge in a tiny town of about 200.

Being on the river, we had lots of boaters each summer, but my favorite customers came in on Sunday afternoons. They stopped by on something called ... Read More

Have you ever heard of Jessy Haberman? Barb Haberman, a summer resident of Detroit Lakes, Minn., introduced me to the little boy whose kindness has truly become contagious.

“Imagine yourself at 4 years old having an infusion at a cancer center wondering, ‘Who are all these strange people and what are they doing to me?’ Then someone gives you a ... Read More

I celebrated my birthday at the beginning of May by asking people for ideas of little acts of kindness I could do on my big day.

It was fun hearing about all the ways people had celebrated their own birthdays in the past. My favorite ideas came from Pixie Neece, of Fargo, who gathered her friends and dedicated the entire day ... Read More

I’m about to go dark on you. Not dark as in a trench coat, heavy boots and lots of black eye liner. I’m about to say goodbye.

Okay, that was a touch overly dramatic of me. Let me try again. I’m going to dedicate this summer to writing a book that will be released by Baker Publishing in 2020. I’m going ... Read More

What are you remembering this Memorial Day?

Are you remembering to take the potato salad to Aunt Lucy’s picnic?

Are you remembering the people who have fought for our freedom?

Are you remembering the person who took a huge piece of your heart when he or she died?

I’ve been living on the edge of uncertainty for several months now. My basketball coaching husband ... Read More

My friend, Heather, died of cancer when we were 30. I remember walking through a deli with her when she was deep in the battle. I noticed how other people looked at her out of the corner of their eyes.

When my friend noticed another woman wearing a scarf over a bald head, Heather marched right over to her, said “Hello!” ... Read More

Are you flipping out about life right now? You may be happy to know you’re not alone. I have some teacher friends who will tell you this time of year is wack-a-doodle. Frazzled nerves, to-do lists up the wazoo, and a strange combination of melancholy and glee.

Next, we have the parents who are planning graduation parties for their high school ... Read More

I know there are kind people all over the world, but there are certain things that come across my computer that leave me thinking, “That could only happen in North Dakota.”

Or maybe it’s a small-town thing. I don’t really know, but isn’t it nice to hear that goodness still exists in our communities and people will go out of their ... Read More