Tag: kindness

Did you know there is a North Dakota “Best for Last” club? I learned about it when some friends, who are visiting all 50 states, decided to swing by for a visit.

They are on their way to Fargo to set foot in their final state. You might say they saved the “best for last.” I hope they get a T-shirt.

I’ve ... Read More

Bravery is such a slippery concept. Sometimes we think we have tons of it, and then we face a chance to flex and instead we back down.

Other times we are sure we can’t possibly be brave enough to face a situation until we have to actually walk through it. And then we do.

I saw my kids exhibit such immense bravery ... Read More

Hey. I’ve missed you.

It’s been a whirlwind few months on my blogging sabbatical. Let’s see… I moved from Ohio to South Dakota, made 3 friends, filmed an episode of House Hunters (it airs in 6 months), signed up for a pole dancing class (I kid you not) and wrote a book (it’ll be out in the Fall of 2020).

Now ... Read More

Every time I see banana-flavored Laffy Taffy, I feel a little tug on my heart.

It’s especially prominent now that my family has moved from Ohio to South Dakota. I left a dear friend in Ohio named Liz. Liz was my son Charlie’s third grade teacher and I spent a lot of time in her classroom. We also spent a lot ... Read More

I love froufrou coffee drinks, but I’m too cheap to buy them. Instead, I just add enough cream and sugar to my plain black java to make it taste like something sweet and exotic.

I was doing a radio interview the other day when the host mentioned her sister goes to McDonald’s every morning to get a coffee with three creams ... Read More

My daughter Jordan’s love for running began when she was in about second grade. She would lace up her little shoes and run around the block — twice.

At one point she convinced me to drive her to Scheels, a sporting goods store, to buy a special water container that she could wear on her back for her “longer” runs.

Pretty much ... Read More

Friends are great. They pull us out of our comfort zones and can rope us into almost anything — especially things we wouldn’t be brave enough to do on our own.

My friends routinely talk me into joining book clubs, Bible studies and 5K races. I’ve even had friends try to teach me to cook (too bad it didn’t stick).

I recently ... Read More

The heart of a child often sees and feels things we miss as adults. That’s why I’ve been highlighting how kids’ kindness is contagious this month.

I’d like to introduce you to one more special child who made a big impact in his short time. With Mason’s love for everything about superheroes, his parents, Ralph and Erin Sturms, continue to carry ... Read More

I learned something recently about my 13-year-old son. It turns out the tough guy has a deep streak of nostalgia.

Charlie spent the first 10 years of his life in Fargo. At the end of second grade, we moved him to Ohio. Five years later, we’re back in the Dakotas, this time in South Dakota. Charlie has been asking me since ... Read More

Four years ago in July, I had a breast removed. The diagnosis was stage 2 lobular carcinoma. To you and me, that simply means breast cancer.

It seems like a lifetime ago, but if you bring it up to my family, they still have a lot to say about that time. And you know what? It’s not all bad.

My daughter, Jordan, ... Read More