Category: Be Brave

I went to the doctor to celebrate my 40th birthday. It was a very routine womanly-type visit where all my special parts were to be inspected and tested for old age and hard living. I knew I’d pass. I passed all the other times. I laughed outloud at the beginning of the breast exam when my lovely female doctor asked ... Read More

Did you know that if you use too much toilet paper it will get stuck in the pipes and your toilet will overflow? And did you know that if you have three inches of water on your upstairs bathroom floor it will begin raining down into your kitchen? Did you also know if you get potty water on the carpet ... Read More

The last — LAST thing I wanted to do today was call an exterminator, but when my husband mentioned this morning that for the past two nights he’s been hearing “scurrying” in the walls after I’ve gone to bed, I called.

Actually, calling was the second step. The first step was sending out a frantic plea on Facebook asking other moms ... Read More

Remember yesterday when I said you should take a “Do Nothing Moment” for yourself? It has recently been revealed to me that sometimes God will decide you need an entire DAY to do nothing… and give you a kid who is sick enough to stay home from school, but not too sick to snuggle and watch movies. Oh how I ... Read More

I have nothing to do. Seriously. It’s the strangest feeling in the world.

I came home from the gym this morning with every intention of doing what I do every morning: walking into my house and then moving around mindlessly until it’s noon and time to pick up my youngest son from preschool. Normally I unload the dishwasher, fiddle with the ... Read More

I broke my 33 year sting-free streak this weekend… The last time I was stung, I was 6 years old. This time it wasn’t a bee that got me, it was a big black wasp.

I put my hand down on a railing at an outdoor restaurant Friday night and promptly lifted it back up again with what my husband described ... Read More

Overheard in my kitchen this morning:

Charlie (8): What is God’s hobby?
Jordan (10): Taking care of people.
Charlie: Are you sure? Why would he do that? He doesn’t get paid.
Jordan: That’s why it’s called a hobby.

I’m pretty sure I should have stepped in from the other room with some great theological answer or life lesson, but I didn’t. I’m ... Read More

Someone challenged me recently to put 5 pictures on Facebook in which I feel beautiful. Yikes… it’s not that I have a poor outlook of myself or really low self-esteem, it’s just that most of the time I’m the one taking the picture. Besides, it’s a very uncomfortable feeling to say, “Here, look at this picture! Don’t I look hot?”

So ... Read More

My friend, Mary, called the other day with a brilliant analogy. “Friends are like jeans,” she said, “some are just so comfy.”

I can’t get that out of my mind. Since I’ve moved to Athens, I’ve been able to see so clearly how every friend I have or have had is like a pair of jeans.

Mary’s the red pair. They never ... Read More

My friend, Mimi, is a Professional Encourager. Honestly. She has the business card to prove it. God gave her the gift of fearlessness, and she uses it, REALLY uses it to tell anyone in her path how great they are.

Two years ago, I saw Mimi at a reunion for Miss America contestants. We hadn’t seen each other for 15 years, ... Read More