Category: Be Brave

I’m starting to learn the perks of small-town living… the babysitter I left my kids with these past two days is the cousin of my son’s football coach, who is the husband of my son’s third grade teacher, who is the sister-in-law of my daughter’s fifth grade teacher. Think any of my kids got away with ANYTHING while I was ... Read More

Everyday I try to write down something for which I am grateful. I have to admit that most of the time, I’m pretty materialistic. I sit there thinking for about 5 minutes, then end up jotting down something about a warm house, money to buy groceries and a bed to sleep in.
Healthy kids and a faithful husband have also ... Read More

I would like to warn all of my friends in Fargo that someday, when I see you again, you will not be getting the same old me. Nicole 2.0 has arrived. In the past, you sweet, sweet friends would lovingly invite me into your homes knowing that I would show up with a take-and-bake pizza (always pepperoni) and a giant ... Read More

So… the husband and I went to meet with the Gifted & Talented teacher at Jordan’s school this morning. All three kids (10,8 & 4) were in the room with us. I was having an incredible “Proud Mom” moment– the children were quietly reading, looking like complete angels as the teacher was telling me how bright my sweet daughter is. ... Read More

So, I’m not very good at taking pictures, or sharing pictures, or really anything artistic, but I’m trying to get better and wanted to share this one with you.

On the left hand side of this photo, you can see the Convo Center in Athens, Ohio, where my husband coaches Bobcat Basketball. The team is in Canada for a tournament (they’ve ... Read More

Hello! I’m taking a bit of a recess on daily posts this summer to play with the kids, but I hope you’ll stop by the BLOG tab for my weekly column- Kindness is Contagious!

My favorite weapon in spiritual warfare is Kindness. If you don’t understand spiritual warfare, let me make it very simple: Whenever someone throws bitterness or negativity at you, throw Kindness back. It’s a much stronger weapon.

Have you ever stopped to think about who or what gets the best part of you? I give a lot of time to things that deserve to be last on the list and very little time sometimes to the things that deserve to be first.

I will strive to find my identity in God, not in the work I do, the people I know, or the things I have. Repeat daily– or multiple times a day if your name is Nicole.

When Jesus was teaching, He didn’t see a crowd. He saw individuals. When we start looking at people through a lens that sees each person’s hurt, struggles and insecurities, we will be ready to love them and heal them as Jesus did.