Tag: teachers

Today I’ve decided to become more like Alaina.

Don’t know Alaina? Take my word for it, she’s awesome. I mean, she had a UNICORN at her birthday party, how awesome is that?! The girl has style.

Alaina is seven and a few weeks ago she graduated from first grade. First grade was a pretty big deal ... Read More

There’s a pretty big celebrity living in my neighborhood. I hate to brag, but the president lives just a few doors down from me. If you weren’t aware, you might drive past his house without knowing it.

His name is Dawson, and he is president of the student body at Lincoln Elementary School in Aberdeen, S.D.

Back in October, Dawson ran for ... Read More

The awesome thing about living in a small town is that we get to see celebrities on a regular basis. We’ll be at the grocery store, standing in the cereal aisle when all of a sudden, BOOM!, Celebrity Sighting!

It’s just the coolest. My kids will back away shyly, barely able to make eye contact, waiting for the celebrity speak first.

They ... Read More

My friend, who is an elementary school teacher, had the most amazing experience the other day. She got to present a high school diploma to one of her former second graders!

As a little girl, the student wanted to be just like her teacher. Now a decade later, she’s on the path to making that happen.

My friend is kind and caring ... Read More

Normal routines seem so far gone (at least for me, a parent of three), that I have almost forgotten what a regular Monday to Friday schedule looks like.

This letter from a woman in Wisconsin quickly reminded me that some days were better than others — and that kindness always smooths out the rough spots.

“I remember this pre-COVID-19 day way too ... Read More

I saw a post recently from a teacher, reassuring parents that educators will indeed be able to catch kids up on curriculum once September comes.

It went on to say that what teachers need parents and guardians to do right now is help with social emotional learning. We need to talk with our children about their big feelings and continually remind ... Read More

Have you heard of the Elf on the Shelf?

We have one living with us. He magically arrived one day back when my kids (now teenagers) were toddlers. His name is Carl. The kids knew never to touch Carl or he would lose his ability to fly back to the North Pole each night and tell Santa how good the kids ... Read More

My fourth grade son, Ben, told me his teacher pretends to vomit anytime the kids start bickering with each other in his class. Isn’t that hysterical?

Instead of yelling or raining down punishment, the teacher just walks over and pretends to gag. The kids immediately realize what they’re doing and are distracted enough to let it go.

The principal in that same ... Read More

I often forget what a tough spot my kids are in each day. I send them off to school and ask them to be kind, but sometimes that gets confusing.

When the teacher is talking but a friend is trying to get your attention, what is the kind solution? When you’re trying to do your work but a classmate has a ... Read More

When I was little, my mom taught English as a Second Language.

Now in her 70s, she continues to teach. She has always had a heart for people who are new to our country. I’ve often wondered about the impact she has made on her students that she’ll never know.

Sometimes all it takes is one person in our corner, believing in ... Read More