Tag: teachers

For the record, you should never do anything in front of children that you might find embarrassing when talked about in front of adults.

When we go on vacation, I like to hunt down the town’s best specialty bakery. I have a tendency to buy two flavors of cupcakes at a time because it just feels like too much pressure to ... Read More

The things that break our hearts are often the things that make us powerful. I am regularly reminding my children and their friends that someday they will have the opportunity to use each hurt to help another human.

A dear friend shared the following story with me, and although I was sad for her younger self, I know it is these ... Read More

I packed a bag lunch for my second grader this morning. Actually, he packed it for himself, but I stood guard making sure there was something other than sugar in his noontime meal. The last thing that kid needs right now is sugar. Ben is pumped so full of end-of-the-year adrenaline that I say a little prayer for his teacher ... Read More

I’ve mentioned before that my husband affectionately calls me Gordon Leadfoot when I drive. It’s his humorous (to him) way of combining one of his favorite musicians with my tendency to always be in a hurry.

Several speeding tickets to my name, I’ve gotten much better at obeying the law, but there are still times when I feel like my absolute ... Read More

Do you struggle with high blood pressure, eating disorders, depression or anxiety? Do you ever feel like true happiness is reserved for other people?

There is room for more joy in your life and it comes from the chemicals released when you do an act of kindness.

Kindness has the power to change a life. Brooke Jones has seen that personally and ... Read More

I am like a dog with a bone when I get an idea in my head. My mind focuses in on something I want to do, and I’m off– a high-speed train coming straight at you.

That’s awesome when it comes to things like kindness. It’s what gives me the jolt to quickly go and do something kind before I stop ... Read More

If I get butterflies before speaking in front of one audience, you should see what happens to my stomach when I think about speaking in front of eight audiences. And two radio programs. And one live morning TV show.

I’m prepping for a return visit to Fargo at the end of April. It started out as one invitation to speak about ... Read More

My friend who is a teacher showed me a very funny poster. It has pictures of two owls. One owl is looking wise and well-tailored in his round glasses and cap. The other owl looks like a deranged lunatic with a torn shirt and frayed feathers.

The caption on the poster says, “Teachers at the beginning of the school year” and ... Read More

My friend was telling me a story about her son who is a freshman in college. He noticed a peer consistently walking to class without a coat. So he gave him his own.

No fanfare. No conversation or touching exchange of words as the coat was quietly laid on his desk. Just an offering that says, “I see you and I ... Read More

Why do I do this to myself? I could have said no. Why didn’t I say no? They’re going to eat me alive!

My introverted self is verbally attacking the ambitious dynamo part of my personality. You see, go-getter me signed up for something that is now making me a little sick to my stomach.

I often feel like I am two ... Read More