Tag: negativity

Have you ever had a MONDAY that lasted all day?

I had one a few weeks ago and it wasn’t pretty.

I woke up crabby. I took my son to school crabby. I went to Pickleball crabby. Then the crabby turned to sad. I ate cookies sad. I read a book sad. I took a nap sad.

Eventually, I wandered into my office ... Read More

I don’t love social media.

If anyone from my kindness team is reading this, they are rolling their eyes right now, because that statement is a massive understatement.

I love having real conversations with real people, but anything over a computer feels a little forced to me. (Can you tell I was born before home computers were a thing?)

I used ... Read More

“This is your captain speaking from the flight deck. I’ve turned on the fasten seat belt sign. We’re about to experience some turbulence. Please remain in your seats.”

I think of those words as we head into this week.

Captain … turbulence … remain seated.

Even with our feet solidly on the ground or our seats firmly planted in a stable ... Read More

I got back from LA late Saturday night. The whole family was wide awake and practicing their best (loudest and highest) opera voices.

The next morning I went out to collect a week’s worth of mail. No one thought to bring it in, or maybe they knew I would get a kick out of seeing how many things our mailman, Kevin, ... Read More

I love sharing stories of people going out of their way to help others. Or the ones where a person was having a bad day and kindness showed up just when they needed it.

There is so much goodness happening in the world; people reaching out through the anger and fear to remind others they are not alone.

But there is one ... Read More

We have a big calendar on the wall of our kitchen. On a normal April, it is filled. Every single day has something written on it. Baseball games, track practices, Mom’s speaking events, Dad’s recruiting trips — every day is spoken for.

When school was cancelled in March, my youngest son, Ben, took a marker and crossed everything out and wrote ... Read More

How do you see yourself? Is the image you see in photos the same image you see in your mind?

Maybe you picture yourself being ten years younger, or ten pounds lighter, or ten shades less grey.

My friend, Andrea, sent me a photo from last week’s trip to San Diego. We were waiting for a yoga class when she looked at ... Read More

Hey. I’ve missed you.

It’s been a whirlwind few months on my blogging sabbatical. Let’s see… I moved from Ohio to South Dakota, made 3 friends, filmed an episode of House Hunters (it airs in 6 months), signed up for a pole dancing class (I kid you not) and wrote a book (it’ll be out in the Fall of 2020).

Now ... Read More

I was sitting in my chair this morning, having a quiet conversation with God and thinking about all the people I know who are intensely hurting right now.

As each one came to mind, I thought about the terrible things that are happening in their lives and the ways it seems the darkness is winning.

I parked my brain in ... Read More

Have you ever stopped to think about what you’re thinking about? If not, I challenge you to check in with yourself periodically today and do a spot-check. What am I thinking about at this exact moment?

My guess is that it falls into one of three categories: Hurry, Worry or Jury.

Hurry is that do-list constantly running through our heads. As soon ... Read More