Tag: kindness

Dear 2233,

Do you mind if I call you that? I know your real name is Tamoxifen, but that seems kind of formal. And the numbers on you say 2233. Maybe I could call you 22 for short?

So 22, it sounds like we’re going to be together for a while, like maybe ten years, so I figured it’d be nice ... Read More

I love sugar. It may not be healthy, but it’s true. I love sugar almost as much as I love kindness.

Beth Delgado is a businesswoman in Grand Forks who clearly shares my heart. She’s making it her business to make people’s days a little sweeter in a lot of ways.

“Here in Grand Forks I have a quaint little shop called ... Read More

Have you ever needed something brilliant to say? Something that would perfectly express what sits so delicately, yet passionately, in the center of your heart?

I’m not supposed to be writing this blog right now. I’m supposed to be writing a 45 minute speech. I want it to be clever and interesting and motivating and make everyone fall over in ... Read More

It’s amazing how quickly things return to normal. I have a long to-do list today which includes enthralling activities such as: scheduling dental appointments, calling the insurance company, welcoming the dishwasher repairman, and waiting for new flooring to be delivered.

Sometimes I want to yell, “HEY! Doesn’t anybody around here remember how incredibly BRAVE I was this summer?” Actually, sometimes ... Read More

There must be something in the water, or maybe back-to-school time brings out the best in people. Whatever the case, I’ve gotten to hear lots of great stories lately that I want to share with you.

Like this one from Sandy:

“The most awesome thing happened to me today. I am moved beyond words. I went to Wal-Mart to purchase my classroom ... Read More

The night before we got the final pathology report, I laid in bed and prayed. “God, chemo or no chemo, whatever needs to be done, I accept it. I will trust in you and your plan for my life. But please, God, let me read to the kindergarteners this year. That’s all I want. Please just let me read to ... Read More

I was speaking at an event recently when a woman raised her hand and asked me, “Have you found that kindness truly is contagious?”

What a great question. The answer I gave her was a resounding “Yes!” but I struggled to come up with an immediate specific example. Sometimes kindness comes directly back to us, and sometimes it’s passed on to ... Read More

We are home from vacation, and now that the laundry is done, I need a vacation. It’s easier to forget about things like breast cancer when you’re thinking about things like the number of fish in the ocean.

Myrtle Beach is a chaotic tourist trap– and I loved it. It’s the perfect place for a girl who’s trying to forget ... Read More

I had the strangest thing happen to me the other day. Someone totally burst my kindness bubble, and I was left standing in the middle of my bedroom wondering if I should scream, cry or just go back to bed and pretend it never happened.

I was home, recovering from my mastectomy surgery and unable to do anything for myself. Literally, ... Read More

I made it to Myrtle Beach! That was the biggest thing about having the surgery. I didn’t want to miss this family vacation that we have had planned for almost a year, but I also didn’t want to go and end up bringing home a nasty infection as a souvenir. In the end, it all worked out just fine. I ... Read More