Tag: kindness

My heart was not where it was supposed to be. It was sitting deep in my stomach as the level of panic was rising in my throat. I had looked everywhere and could not find the tickets.

My daughter, Jordan, was about 4 and the “My Little Pony” stage show was coming to the Fargodome. I had safely tucked the tickets ... Read More

What if we were all just here for each other? What if we really, truly wanted the best for each other at all times and celebrated when one of our sisters had something good come her way?

I was having a conversation with a girlfriend the other day about broken cars or kids’ clothes or something mundane that turned into a ... Read More

“Once a Lion, always a Lion. Come back and visit us anytime.” Those are the words the principal of my kids’ school said the day we left Fargo.Once a Lion, always a Lion.

We lived in north Fargo, so two of my kids had the privilege of going to Longfellow Elementary. They were Longfellow Lions, and according to Mr. Henrickson, the ... Read More

I find it interesting that we teach our children the importance of using manners and being kind and standing up for others, but sometimes we as adults fail in our own actions and words. I’m as guilty as the next person of hustling by someone who looks different. I avoid eye contact for fear that they will ask me for ... Read More

I let an opportunity for kindness pass me by, and I still regret it. I was at a restaurant when the server mentioned that she liked my necklace. A quiet voice in the back of my mind was nudging me to give it to her, but a louder voice was telling me how silly that would be and how uncomfortable ... Read More

I woke up this morning kind of.. blah. Like, “It’s cold out. Blah.” and “It’s early. Blah.” and “Why get out of bed? What great thing is really going to happen today anyway? Blah.”

Not a great way to greet the day. So, I sat down and had a talk with God about my attitude and His ability to change it. ... Read More

Allow me to step back in time just a bit as I lead into this story on kindness.

It was May 2014: After 10 years in Fargo, my husband accepted a job taking us to Ohio. We made the emotional decision to pull our children out of school and transplant them in Athens before the end of the academic year so ... Read More

It’s a touch quieter than normal in our house this year. For the first time in my career as a mom, all three of my children are in elementary school. Jordan is a big kid this year; she’s in sixth grade. Charlie is in fourth grade, and little Ben is in all-day, every-day kindergarten.

In between the time I drop them ... Read More

Remember a few weeks ago when I just couldn’t find the right words for an upcoming presentation on kindness? Well, I found them. They may not have been perfect words, but they were words from the heart and honestly, these days, why bother with anything else?

Actually, I found enough words for TWO presentations this week!

On Tuesday, I shared my cancer ... Read More

I am cancer-free! My husband and I wistfully joke that someday we’ll look back and say, “Remember that summer I had breast cancer?” It’ll be just one more little chapter in the story of our lives.

I’m still going through the process of reconstruction, so I have at least one more surgery in my future, and I’ll have to take an ... Read More