Tag: kindness


A man knocked on my door during the last snowstorm. It was 8 o’clock at night and I was home alone with the kids. We were all snuggled on the couch in our jammies waiting for bedtime when I heard the dog begin to bark ferociously, followed by the sound of knocking.

I looked at the kids to see if they ... Read More

Moments of crisis require a decision: Will we hold our tongue and act with grace toward those around us, or will we allow our angst to overtake our mouth and spew out the fear that certainly feels like a natural reaction in times of trouble?

If you were in the emergency room with your child, would you be the one filled ... Read More

I have a problem with other people’s successes. There, I said it. It’s out in the light. Take it away, God. Rip this pride and jealousy and ego and selfishness out of my life from the roots. It has no room to coexist with kindness.

I get great inspiration from female speakers and authors. Women who are moms, just like me, ... Read More

I got a fun letter over the Christmas break from a college student who was perhaps misidentified.

Jared Nash is from Galchutt, N.D., a little community near Wahpeton, where I imagine everybody knows your name. He had an interesting encounter that got me thinking about how and why we treat people the way we do.

Here’s Jared’s letter:

“I was on my way ... Read More

I wish I could bring you into my son’s kindergarten classroom. It’s a happy, colorful place where little people are learning big things, like how to read and count to 100, and lead with kindness.

They are learning those things thanks to two special adults who have more patience in a pinky than I have coursing through my entire body. One ... Read More

One of the best things about having three kids in elementary school is that I get to spend a lot of time as a fly on the wall. Some people call it “volunteering,” but I call it “pretending to work while I’m secretly spying on my children.”

I got to be part of a very special event at the school recently. ... Read More

Jeremiah Solhjem has had a big life of building tall towers and defeating shifty robbers thanks to his vivid imagination and the 9-year-old’s love of Legos. I’m sure he’s playing right now as I write this, but we can no longer see him.

This past September, Jeremiah was working alongside his dad to raise some extra money to buy more Legos ... Read More

My days seem to fly past so quickly that by the time I lay my head down at night I can’t remember what I had for breakfast that morning. Pretty scary since I always eat the same thing for breakfast.

Maybe life feels like that for you, too, right now. Maybe that’s just what life is supposed to feel like in ... Read More

There are things I say to myself that I would never say to another human being.

You want to write a book? Please. You’ll never come up with 60,000 words worth reading.

You’re going to the gym? Why bother? You’ll just come home and stuff your face with junk. You know you have no willpower.

Kindness lady? Ha. If people could only ... Read More

Big Momma told me to write this. And what Big Momma says, goes.

Big Momma has a real name, it’s Barb Wohlwend. I think she got her nickname from her daughter, Amanda Lea, who is a Fargo-Moorhead radio personality on BIG 98.7. Much like her momma, Amanda’s personality is larger than life. If you walk into a room and don’t find ... Read More