Tag: kindness

For those of you who’d rather listen than read, this one’s for you! When someone threatens to bring out your worst, create space for kindness with a pause.

I’m about to share one of my not-so-great parenting moments. I’m pretty sure I’m at fault, but I refuse to ask the experts because I’m afraid of the verbal lashing I’ll get. Luckily, the kindness and common sense of a stranger kept my kids from any real danger.

Last January, I decided to be a brave mom and I took my ... Read More

In a little town that doesn’t get much press is a woman who quietly goes about the task of teaching kids.

Pamela Wiese is a truancy officer and paraprofessional at a school in Henning, Minn., a town of about 800 people. I have no doubt that she shows great compassion and empathy in the hours that fill most of her days. ... Read More

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I’ve been thinking about. I don’t know if this is the case for you, but my mind can follow a squirrel or bright shiny object into the next dimension in no time flat.

A friend recently told me she struggles with cooking because of attention deficit disorder. As soon as she steps away ... Read More

I cried the day I found out I was going to have a daughter. Don’t get me wrong– it was not a sweet, tender moment. I was terrified.

After a tumultuous relationship with my mom, I assumed I couldn’t do the mother-daughter thing.

I stood in my bedroom and cried as I thought “What is God thinking? He knows I can’t handle ... Read More

What’s the furthest you would go for kindness? Do you even know? Maybe you’ll give your time, but not your money. Maybe you’ll give your money, but not your time. Maybe you’ll give your time and money as long as you don’t have to sacrifice your personal comfort.

It’s humbling to realize our limitations, both the tangible ones and the ones ... Read More

Here’s a little food for thought:

“We scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested.” -Martin Seligman, from his book, Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being

I ran across that quote in my newest Guideposts magazine last night, and it struck me. Yes! It really ... Read More

I love the way people look at me when I mention all the blessings that we experienced during my bout with breast cancer this past summer. The love I felt from friends, strangers and even my own family far surpassed any act of kindness I had ever previously experienced.

I know this is a bold statement — and my husband may ... Read More

There are certain things that will never be on my bucket list.

Skydiving. Every person I’ve ever known who has done it loves it. I’m not buying.

Alligator wrestling. I’ve never met anyone who has done this, and there is probably a reason.

Finishing (or starting) an Ironman race. That’s where you swim a lot, bike a lot and then run a full ... Read More

The principal of the Athens Middle School has made a big, big mistake. She has asked me to speak to her 7th and 8th grade students.

Somebody’s gonna lose an eye in the process, I’m just certain of it. But then again, I’m already down one breast, so I guess I could cope with one eye, too.

I hated eighth grade. Hated. ... Read More