Tag: brave

A word to the wise: never lie to a pole dancer. After years of dealing with drunks in nightclubs, they have a B.S. in B.S. And yet, I did it. I broke my own cardinal rule and flat out lied to my Pole Fit instructor.

To set the stage, if you will, I signed up for the pole class in a ... Read More

There is a brave mom in my town who is a warrior. She never would have considered herself a warrior, but when it comes to our kids, we can often find strength we don’t know we have.

This mom has a son who was hating school. Now I don’t mean hating, I mean HATING. He would get physically ill before ... Read More

I am vehemently opposed to wearing white pants. Not for anyone else. Just for me.

I have all kinds of reasons: white pants are only for super skinny girls, I don’t have the right color underwear, I have to be careful where I sit. I can’t eat ketchup or salsa. The list is never-ending.

Guess what? A few weeks ago I ... Read More

I’m worried I’m losing my brave. It’s April and the countdown is on. My next surgery is 22 days away. On Tuesday, April 26th, I’ll go back to THE JAMES to have the expander in my left breast removed and a more permanent silicone implant installed. While I’m under, the reconstructive surgeon will also lift my right breast to ... Read More

It’s amazing how quickly things return to normal. I have a long to-do list today which includes enthralling activities such as: scheduling dental appointments, calling the insurance company, welcoming the dishwasher repairman, and waiting for new flooring to be delivered.

Sometimes I want to yell, “HEY! Doesn’t anybody around here remember how incredibly BRAVE I was this summer?” Actually, sometimes ... Read More