Category: Be Brave

I got a cryptic email from someone in the Women’s Center at Ohio University. It was an invitation to come to the OU Women’s basketball game on February 17th. She didn’t want to say much, only that several women would be acknowledged and she wanted me to be there by the half-time presentation.

There are several sporting events each year ... Read More

Want a little good news? How about this: You can let go of the anger.

Right here and right now — or whenever it next pops into your body and threatens to explode. You can let go of the anger. It won’t grow in strength and come back to haunt you later if you refuse to express it.

Throughout my life, I’ve ... Read More

I love it when I sit down and the words are easy. They just flow, they don’t take too much mental energy and they don’t make me weepy when I re-read them.

These words are not going to be easy. I can tell. Because these are the words that keep coming to my mind: Forgive me.

At the beginning of the school ... Read More

We were driving home from church with the kids in the backseat when I posed a question: Hey kids, what is our family’s core value?

I suppose a ship should know its destination before it sets sail, but as a 20-something, I just sort of got in the boat, had kids and hoped for the best.

My pastor preached a mighty powerful ... Read More

“Mom, please don’t cheer for the Vikings.”

My seven-year-old son, Ben, was very matter of fact about his request.

In case you missed it, last night the Vikings won in an amazing last second play against the Saints.

Next week, the Vikings will play the Eagles.

Little Ben is a big Carson Wentz fan. Carson plays for the Eagles.

When the Vikings play the Eagles, ... Read More

I’ve decided I have a heart problem. Yes, I know, most people don’t just “decide” they have a problem with a major organ in their body. They go to a doctor and a medical professional doles out that diagnosis.

Call it “January” or “one too many snow days” or “cabin fever,” but I don’t need a doctor to tell me I ... Read More

Do you remember this exact date, January 1st— 18 years ago?

I was living in sin with Saul. He had more hair and my boobs were real. Other than that, it was pretty much the same as it is now.

We partied like it was 1999 (because it was), but there was a definite foreboding in my heart. I worked at a ... Read More

I can’t believe we’re here. Last year at this time, I felt called to begin the New Year by renewing my mind.

I wanted to do that by memorizing short scriptures that would be my go-to mantras in times of trouble.

One year later, we’re at the end, Week 52.

I’ve learned some things about myself this year, like I’m terrible at memorizing.

On ... Read More

“Suppose for a moment that God began taking from us the many things for which we have failed to give thanks. Which of our limbs and faculties would be left? Would I still have my hands and my mind? And what about loved ones? If God were to take from me all those persons and things for which I have ... Read More