Category: Be Brave

I’m sitting at a table with a large tray in front of me. An assortment of half-finished puzzles and dozens of puzzle pieces are waiting for assembly.

As I look at the tray, I struggle to make sense of it. I see portions of my life: time I’m spending with my family… sitting in my chair writing…cheering on my ... Read More

I am vehemently opposed to wearing white pants. Not for anyone else. Just for me.

I have all kinds of reasons: white pants are only for super skinny girls, I don’t have the right color underwear, I have to be careful where I sit. I can’t eat ketchup or salsa. The list is never-ending.

Guess what? A few weeks ago I ... Read More

I talk a lot about my mom in my writing and presentations, but today, I’d like you to meet her.

Drumroll please…. Presenting, MY MOM!

If I were really good at this Faith thing, I would be less haunted by fears and past failures.

If I were really good at this Faith thing, I wouldn’t get so annoyed by people and pet peeves.

If I were really good at this Faith thing, I would have the right words to encourage and the energy to jump in ... Read More

Eyes closed, body still, a mild breeze brushed across my face. My mind floated back in time. I could see myself standing in my backyard, pushing my kids on the swing.

“Momma, how do we know God is real?”

The question seemed to pop out of the sky.

“We can feel Him.” How could I put this concept into words a child ... Read More

I’ve often wondered if I was praying right. Is there one type of prayer that pleases God more than another?

As a young child, I learned we are to recite our prayers to God out loud, preferably on our knees. Then I found out I could pray to him quietly in my mind, which made my prayers a whole lot more ... Read More

I’m on a little fishing trip with my 8 year old and we had an interesting conversation about exact change that led me into thinking about kindness.

And here’s Ben’s big catch…

Hello from LaLaLand! In place of my usual blog post, I’m going Vlog — the video version! Check out Jordan’s interview on the Hallmark Channel USA on Home & Family this Wednesday. We’ll be talking about Cozys for the Cure!


It just occurred to me I haven’t written in weeks. Well, I have written, I just haven’t written this blog.

Wanna hear all my awesome excuses?

School got out and I forgot what day of the week it was.
And I went on long bike rides with my kids.
And I built a second home at the baseball fields.

Isn’t it funny how ... Read More

I got a beach ball in the mail the other day. A fully inflated beach ball. I didn’t even know you could do that!

I can only imagine what my mail carrier and every other post office employee must have been thinking as they sorted letters, packages and my beach ball.

I walked into the house delighted with my present, thinking yet ... Read More