Category: Be Brave

Ever had Lasik surgery? It’s a total trip. They put you in a room and have you watch a video about the 40 million ways you could go blind. After the video, when you’re thoroughly convinced this is something you should NOT do, they give you a valium and begin!

At least that’s how it went for me. I had it ... Read More

Over the years, Saul and I have added to our family. First it was a dog (RIP Robby Dog Phillips). Then it was our three biological children. Then it was another dog (Dakota is currently sleeping next to me in my office). Then it was two precious boys, the same age as our middle son, Charlie. One of the boys ... Read More

I’ve been followed around the last few weeks by these words…

“Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.”

My youngest son, Ben, and I have been having some deep philosophical conversations about decision making. Ben is eight so usually his biggest ... Read More

Have you ever had to draw a hard line with the “tinsel” in your life? You know, those little, seemingly harmless things that quickly take more than their fair share of attention? I sometimes think I have to jump in and fix every subtle snag in my life before it gets completely out of control, but more and more I’m ... Read More

Sometimes my head spins. How about yours?

It’s not yet 9am and already I’ve worried whether my child has strep, how many mice might be living in my house, if I’m doing enough to support my friends, and how long my parents will live.

My head seems to be extra spinny these days. (And yes, according to auto-correct, I just made ... Read More

If you spend any time giving thanks with other people this week, you’re going to run into a lot of things that make you feel less than thankful.

For instance, you create this fabulous dinner and then all the small children in the room ask if they can have chicken nuggets.

Or maybe one member of the family gets a little ... Read More

Every morning I patter out to the living room to turn on the tree. It’s on a timer along with the garland and lights wrapping the staircase railing. In the evening, they light up on their own, but in the morning, when it’s still dark and I’m still sleepy and not quite sure if the day will be a safe ... Read More

You know those days when you wake up feeling just okay? Not great. Not terrible. Just okay. When someone asks you how you’re doing, your face cracks into a pleasant smile before responding, “Fine.”

I have a secret. God doesn’t want you to go through the day feeling just okay. He wants to wow you into having an amazing day, so ... Read More

I was speaking to a group of cancer survivors in South Dakota Friday — telling my story and talking to the group about the “black dots” in our lives.

For those of us in that room, breast cancer either was or is the predominant black dot. But there are always things that loom heavy in our lives — finances, messy relationships, ... Read More

About a year ago I told you I was starting a running program. My daughter wanted to run a half marathon and she wanted me to do it with her. If you are a parent, you know that when your teenage daughter asks you to do anything with her, you say yes.

I said yes, and got off to a roaring ... Read More