Category: Be Brave

He turned in his keys, his parking pass, and his staff ID. My husband is no longer employed at Ohio University. I won’t say he was fired because as a general rule I don’t use the “f” word. His contract was up and the Athletic Director decided to go in a different direction. A gentlemanly parting of ways, if you ... Read More

I woke up this morning and knew I couldn’t write.

As a general rule, I don’t like to write for public consumption (for other people to read) until I have processed my thoughts and feelings about an event. Sometimes writing helps me think things through, but in general, I have to come to a conclusion about how God is working ... Read More

Before my dad had a stroke, he loved verbally jousting. Politics and policies and people, my dad had an opinion and he enjoyed hearing what other people thought about those subjects too. It was like his own version of sudoko, it kept him mentally sharp.

One day, shortly after I had rediscovered a relationship with God, my dad hit me ... Read More

While the rest of the United States of America was watching the Red Carpet festivities for the Oscars, my family was watching Dumb and Dumber.

No apologies. There is nothing better than sitting around and giggling about toilet jokes with your 45 year old husband and 8 year old son. Even my two teenagers thought Dumb and Dumber was a better ... Read More

Surgery update for anyone who cares followed by an important reminder for YOU.

I’m snuggled up in my home office with my dog and my computer. The boys are in the next room playing video games. I should cut off their screen time, but they’re in a continual state of giggles, so I think I’ll just let it be. Besides, that ... Read More

It’s been a few years since I’ve talked about my boobs so I thought I would spend my time with you today revisiting that topic.

In May of 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on my 40th birthday. No signs or symptoms, it was found during a routine annual exam. (We interrupt this story for a public service announcement: Women, ... Read More

I don’t like stressy things which is why it’s God’s hysterical joke that I am a Division I basketball coach’s wife.

Saul and I knew each other as kids and we reconnected as young adults. As I sat across from him in that Italian restaurant on our first real date, he told me he was never going to get married because ... Read More

This little blog post isn’t about exercising. It’s not about conquering your New Year’s Resolutionor creating a healthy living routine. This little blog post is about what happens when you do the next right thing.

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve suffered from depression. I still vividly remember what it feels like to need my bed. People in the know prescribed exercise. ... Read More

I am staring down six weeks of calendar chaos. Ever been there?

It’s the middle of the basketball season, which is its own beast when you’re a coach’s wife. We’ve been doing this for 18 years now, so I sort of know what to expect — which is, you never know what to expect.

It’s not basketball, it’s actually the other ... Read More