I don’t even care that I have breast cancer right now. I really don’t. Do you know what I’m distraught about? I’m grieved that the parents of two Park Christian students had to bury their sons this week. I’m grieved because it feels like the entire nation is divided over recent decisions by the Supreme Court. I’m grieved because a ... Read More

Author: nicole
How to Forget About Cancer
Never window shop for something you have no intention of buying. In an effort to stop researching breast cancer on the internet (which makes me sad), I started researching cars (which produces no emotional reaction).
Wouldn’t you just know it? I fell in love with a 2004 Audi convertible in Cincinnati. It was too far away and too expensive, which made ... Read More
Crash Course in Kindness
I made it through my first public speaking event post-cancer diagnosis! I’m sure it would have been much better had I had a professional speech writer, but since none of you offered your expertise in that area, I muddled through on my own.
I talked about being a kid and visiting my mom’s husband in prison and about becoming Miss Wisconsin ... Read More
An Act of Kindness Could Last for Generations
We’ve all been there, in line at the grocery store, when either we came up short or the person in front of us did. Maybe that’s why last week’s column about the woman who paid for the elderly man’s groceries resonated with so many of you.
In the past week, I’ve been delighted to hear your stories. Each act ... Read MoreSpeaking of Kindness
I get to speak tomorrow for the first time in almost a year! My friend’s dad is in Rotary and was in charge of picking the speaker, so I’m pretty sure I’m part of the friends & family plan, but I’ll take it!
Now I just have to figure out what to say…
Before moving to Ohio, I loved speaking. I felt ... Read More
Patience Training Program
I’ve been praying for years that God will help me develop more patience. Can I just say, be careful what you wish for? It has occurred to me that God is developing my muscle of patience by actually forcing me to flex that particular muscle. He apparently wants me to be an active participant in my growth, although I’ve told ... Read More
Being Kind Doesn’t Have to Make Sense
Just after moving to Ohio, I did something really weird. I was standing in line at the tiny neighborhood grocery store when a man came up behind me with a case of beer. He had to hold it because my groceries were taking up the whole conveyor belt, so I shoved some things forward and said to him, “That looks ... Read More
Breast Cancer Brain
I’ve heard that one of the side-effects of chemotherapy is a fogginess of thought called, “Chemo Brain” and that one of the major side effects of radiation is extreme fatigue.
I’m not going through chemo or radiation right now, so can someone please tell me why I’m experiencing the side effects?
Just the other day, a girlfriend asked me a simple question: ... Read More
Intervention is One Pint Away
I am going to need an intervention people. My motivation to take care of myself is dwindling. I still shower and get dressed before 2 in the afternoon, but I’m quickly developing a whole host of other bad habits.
For example, BD (before diagnosis), I was at the gym at 9am every day like clockwork. It could be the laziness of ... Read More
My Husband is Trying to Get Inside My Brain
So this struck me as pretty funny: Saul and I were talking last night and I mentioned this blog. I started to explain something I’d written when he got this sheepish-yet-defiant look on his face.
“What?” I said.
“Yeah, I’ve been reading them.” He kind of mumbled.
Now this is funny, because for the past 4 years, the only way I could get ... Read More