Author: nicole

Thank God it’s Monday! I know most of you are thinking the same thing right now… right? Okay. Maybe not, but today is a day of celebration for me, because today is the day I get to DRIVE! All by myself! In a car! It’s like I’m 16 again.

Saul put me on bedrest for the entire weekend in an effort ... Read More

I had to apologize to my neighbor for being so crabby to her and her grandchildren. We all went to a party at the community center, and I was off. Way off. Nothing was right. I should have been quarantined in a room by myself, but unfortunately, I wasn’t, and no one was safe from my venom.

That was nearly a ... Read More

I took a real live shower today for the first time in 2.5 weeks, but I’ll tell you what, it felt like it had been 2.5 years. Ahhhh… clean. Fresh! Wonderful!
I was terrified to let the water hit my wounds, but it didn’t hurt a bit. The only shocking part was looking down and realizing the glue the surgeons ... Read More

I am drain free! Yippee!! I still can’t lift more than 5 pounds or raise my arms above my shoulders, but I am drain free and I count that as a WIN! By tomorrow morning, I’ll even be able to shower by myself. Check me out, I have a new lease on life!

Why is she so ecstatic you may wonder? ... Read More

I looked at it. I did it. I’m feeling quite brave, a little grossed out and sort of just, I don’t know… confused? Maybe sad? But not really, because it hasn’t quite hit me that this is my body we’re talking about and that I will not wake up tomorrow and realize this was all just a disturbing dream.

My guardian ... Read More

I remember Saul talking to the children earlier this month. It was about two weeks before my July 14 mastectomy. Our three kids were acting like kids sometimes act in the middle of summer: squirrely. They were fighting with each other and complaining about what was or wasn’t in the refrigerator and pretending they couldn’t hear me when I asked ... Read More

There are upsides to cancer. Lots of them, if you’re willing to stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen and start thinking about all the good things that are happening.

Here are a few I’ve noticed:

My family has never eaten so well. Friends have brought over a variety of meals, my Aunt Mary (known for her cooking expertise) ... Read More

Note 1: I had a dream last night that I was at a party for people who had just been diagnosed with cancer. I awoke suddenly, and the first thought that came to my mind was, “Oh my gosh! Cancer! That would be AWFUL!!!”

Then I tried to roll over and realized my body was propped up into place with pillows ... Read More

It’s been 6 days since my surgery. I’m still a little confused as to where my thoughts end and where the thoughts of my pain meds start.

I’ve spent the last six days in a fog, sleeping, watching movies, sleeping, sitting and staring into space, sleeping. Yesterday was a big day because I was finally able to see well enough to ... Read More

Saul here. Nicole and I had big adventures today. She didn’t like the way her hair made her feel dirty so we took her in for a shampoo/styling. It was a smashing success. We later rented a movie and now are just hanging out and resting. Okay, it wasn’t exactly a flurry of activity but we are making great progress. ... Read More