Tag: The Kindness Podcast

Breaking news: Nice guys DON’T finish last. In fact, people who are kind have more success in the workplace and on the home-front! And like the common cold or that nasty flu that’s going around, kindness spreads like a virus!

Several years ago, I wrote an article for my “Kindness is Contagious” column about a documentary film ... Read More

You go through a difficult time and someone offers to bring you a meal or pick up your kids. What do you say?

I think our natural instinct is to say no, right? We tell people verbally or through our actions that we’re okay, we’ve got this covered, we can do it ourselves.

But what if their offer of kindness isn’t ... Read More

We go about our days sometimes on auto-pilot, don’t we? Or maybe it’s just me.

I can go from meeting to meeting, taking the kids here, stopping at the store there, returning this phone call or that email… and all of a sudden, it’s 9pm.

If you were to ask me if I am a kind person, I’d say, “Sure! Yes! Absolutely!” ... Read More

Several years ago, when I was first beginning to write on the topic of kindness, I got a speaking request.

A group wanted me to come and talk about the health benefits of kindness. It seems this should have been right smack dab in my realm of knowledge, but it wasn’t. I knew what kindness had done for me, but I ... Read More

I never knew the radical effect kindness could have on a life until it had an effect on my life. Isn’t that the way it always goes? We can hear about something again and again, but until it becomes real for us, it’s simply not real.

I went from seeing the world through mostly grey colored glasses to suddenly finding a ... Read More

As an aspiring author, imagine my total delight when I was asked to introduce a New York Times bestselling author at a charity event. Not only that, the organization’s director asked if I would be willing to spend the day with the author, driving her to a television interview, showing her around town and taking her to lunch. Best. Day. ... Read More

Several years ago, a man sent in a story for my Kindness is Contagious column. It resonated with me so deeply, I used it again in my book and I often refer to it in my speaking engagements.

Why did I love that particular story so much? Because it flipped over the ridiculously angry emotions I feel sometimes when someone does ... Read More

I remember walking downtown with my youngest son when he was about four. It’s that beautiful (yet exhausting) age where kids are becoming alert to the world around them, and vocal enough to give you a play-by-play account of what they see.

As we strolled along, I spotted a college-age woman with a significant limp. Sure enough, so did my son.

“Mom, ... Read More

The people we interact with today will be a tiny bit changed because of us. Hopefully, they’ll be changed for the good, but if we’re not careful, maybe not.

When we smile at the clerk at the grocery store and ask how she’s doing today, we’re adding light and positivity into her life. When we forget to make eye contact or ... Read More

What’s the single biggest mistake of your life? What’s the one decision or perhaps series of decisions that led you somewhere you never intended to be?

Do you have one?

Or perhaps it’s not something you’ve done, but what’s been done to you.

Our stories often become the secrets we hide in a dark place deep within us. We all have them, and ... Read More