Tag: kindness

People in church always talk about salvation. Heaven. How someday we’ll get to be with Jesus. I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but those words never sold me on the whole idea of God.

Sure, I suppose I should have cared about my eternal home, but I’m not big into long term planning.

I’m a human and by no stretch of ... Read More

I was standing in the shower sobbing. With the fan on and the water running, it was the only place in the house I could hide until my torrent of pain had been released.

Never before had I needed to expel so many emotional toxins from my system. And never have I needed to again. But back in May of 2015, ... Read More

When it comes to inviting people into my home, I need to get over myself, how about you? This week on The Kindness Podcast, I talk with Sue Donaldson, an expert on hospitality.

Sue obviously didn’t say, “Hey, Nic, you need to get over yourself,” but she did remind me that hospitality and humility go hand in hand. As Sue says, ... Read More

My friend got a new shirt the other day and I immediately had closet envy. Here it is:

Hysterical, right?

It reminds me of a t-shirt I have that says, “I can’t adult today” that I wear every time I feel overworked and under appreciated. It gives my kids an immediate heads-up in the morning that they better be putting their own ... Read More

What feelings arise when you read the name Donald Trump?

Does it create a knot in your stomach? Do you feel pride in our president? Or are you feeling numb to politics in general?

There is a young woman in my town who is one of the kindest, most gentle people I have ever met. I got to know her several years ... Read More

Taffy. That’s what my brain feels like every time I spend any time with James David.

James is an illusionist, and he’s a good one. I’ve seen seven-foot college basketball players scream like 2nd graders after James has made a card appear in a hat across the room or left an imprint on one of their fingers.

It’s wild.

My brain can’t wrap ... Read More

People often ask me for ideas about doing random acts of kindness. They want something that doesn’t cost a lot or is perhaps free. Something that will be impactful, but not too time consuming. Something that the whole family can be involved in or an act that will create a bond with a difficult coworker.

A quick Google search shows no ... Read More

We can stare at the major issues in this world — hunger, poverty, violence — and feel like we’re looking into a black hole. Then that terrible question pops into our heads, the one that threatens to derail us from doing good and paralyzes us into doing nothing at all.

How could anything I do make a difference?

Krysten Case fights ... Read More

I went to visit a friend in prison a few weeks ago. It was the first time I had been in the belly of a correctional facility since I was a child. Back then, I went with my mom to visit her husband. This time, I got to escort a young friend to see his mom.

Two different prisons, one for ... Read More