Tag: kids

It’s our stories that build the color into our lives. Yes, there is often pain as they are being written, but without that pain we wouldn’t know real joy.

I want to spend this week and next sharing the story of a mom and her teenage son, and the beauty that unfolded when one act of kindness led to the next.

“My ... Read More

Are you done? Have you finished all the hustle and bustle that comes with creating the magic of the season? If so, good for you! (Now can you come to my house and help me?)

If not, take heart. Ironically, it’s in the midst of our craziest schedules that we are most blessed with the chance to show other people they ... Read More

My friend, Tania, has been going through a whirlwind year of transition. One year ago, she sold her dream house, the one she had designed, built and lovingly decorated eight years prior.

She and her husband felt a call on their lives to downsize. Even with two kids still in the house, they knew it was time to let go ... Read More

I tucked in my youngest son last night with the same two questions I always ask.

Who loves you?


Who else loves you?


I always end by saying That’s right, Momma and Jesus love you! Then I walk away sort of giggling to myself, because I like the ring of that — Momma and Jesus love you. It sounds like a country western ... Read More

I remember walking downtown with my youngest son when he was about four. It’s that beautiful (yet exhausting) age where kids are becoming alert to the world around them, and vocal enough to give you a play-by-play account of what they see.

As we strolled along, I spotted a college-age woman with a significant limp. Sure enough, so did my son.

“Mom, ... Read More

Do you struggle with high blood pressure, eating disorders, depression or anxiety? Do you ever feel like true happiness is reserved for other people?

There is room for more joy in your life and it comes from the chemicals released when you do an act of kindness.

Kindness has the power to change a life. Brooke Jones has seen that personally and ... Read More

I have a secret.

I do not like talking to kids.

Don’t get me wrong, I love talking with kids, I just don’t like talking to them. Like from a stage. When they’re all sitting on the gym floor. Staring at me. Wiggling. Expecting me to pull a rabbit out of my hat or introduce a magic unicorn that farts rainbows.

Speaking to ... Read More

It’s the question that guides most of my parenting decisions: Am I teaching my kids to be kind? I don’t want them to be doormats or people who bend to the will of others even when it’s dangerous or unhealthy. But I do hope they find a good balance in life and lead with kindness whenever it’s possible.

The truth is, ... Read More

Anytime is a good time for kindness, but receiving it is especially sweet when you feel like you’ve got nothing left to give.

Proud dad, Scott Wright, who lives near the Wisconsin/Iowa border, and his wife still remember one particular act of kindness that came when they needed it most.

“Rewind in time. It’s May 18, 2000. My wife is 27 weeks ... Read More

“Who wants $20?”

That was the question I posed last night to several hundred kids and their parents.

Hands shot up in the air.

The one hand that caught my eye didn’t belong to the first graders bouncing up and down in the front row. It belonged to a freshman in high school sitting off to the side.

There were a line of boys ... Read More