Tag: kids

A letter came to my house the other day, but it wasn’t addressed to me. It was for a 12-year-old boy named Marcus.

No return address and stamped at a post office two states away. Hmmm.

“Hey, Marcus, you got some mail!” I yelled from my office.

“Me? Who’s it from?” he asked as he ambled into the room.

“No idea. Open it.”

As he ... Read More

Eyes closed, body still, a mild breeze brushed across my face. My mind floated back in time. I could see myself standing in my backyard, pushing my kids on the swing.

“Momma, how do we know God is real?”

The question seemed to pop out of the sky.

“We can feel Him.” How could I put this concept into words a child ... Read More

The things that break our hearts are often the things that make us powerful. I am regularly reminding my children and their friends that someday they will have the opportunity to use each hurt to help another human.

A dear friend shared the following story with me, and although I was sad for her younger self, I know it is these ... Read More

I’m on a little fishing trip with my 8 year old and we had an interesting conversation about exact change that led me into thinking about kindness.

And here’s Ben’s big catch…

Hello from LaLaLand! In place of my usual blog post, I’m going Vlog — the video version! Check out Jordan’s interview on the Hallmark Channel USA on Home & Family this Wednesday. We’ll be talking about Cozys for the Cure!


When my son started bringing home information about his sixth-grade graduation, I thought it was cute. There would be a ceremony and a class party and even some donated prizes.

Then I found out some of the parents were giving their children gifts to celebrate the milestone.

I am all for using any excuse possible to celebrate life with ice cream, but ... Read More

It just occurred to me I haven’t written in weeks. Well, I have written, I just haven’t written this blog.

Wanna hear all my awesome excuses?

School got out and I forgot what day of the week it was.
And I went on long bike rides with my kids.
And I built a second home at the baseball fields.

Isn’t it funny how ... Read More

I packed a bag lunch for my second grader this morning. Actually, he packed it for himself, but I stood guard making sure there was something other than sugar in his noontime meal. The last thing that kid needs right now is sugar. Ben is pumped so full of end-of-the-year adrenaline that I say a little prayer for his teacher ... Read More

Is it enough as a parent to live your life with kindness and hope your kids catch on? Or is kindness something that needs to be intentional?

What sort of resources do kids even have the ability to give?

It turns out quite a few!

Susan Crites Price is an expert on family philanthropy. She has a great book called Generous Genes: Raising ... Read More

Danette Jensen lives in Goodridge, Minn., about 70 miles from the Canadian border. She and her husband run DJ’s K9 Country, a boarding facility with more than 20 kennels and a large training room.

I guess you could say Danette is dog crazy. She is certainly an expert in the field. She has a radio show and people call in with ... Read More