Tag: birthday

She’s 18. I can’t believe she’s 18. It’s like reading a book that has a Part 1 and a Part 2. We are reading the last chapter of Part 1 and are wondering what plot twists and new characters Part 2 will reveal.

I cried when I found out I was pregnant with a girl. Saul and I had tried to ... Read More

When I first started writing this “Kindness is Contagious” column nine years ago, I misunderstood what “weekly” meant.

The publisher said, “It’s a weekly column.” I heard, “Write it when you have something to write about.”

I asked readers to send in their stories of kindness, but I quickly learned to become an investigator of kindness in my own life so I ... Read More

Things were bananas in our home this weekend. It was Saul’s 48th birthday. The guy wants nothing — except to be able to have a real basketball season and I can’t give him that. So, the kids and I put our brains together to figure out how we could celebrate this strong kind man in a way that is meaningful ... Read More

I have this thing about waving. I love to do it. I get such a kick out of smiling and waving and seeing total strangers wave back.

I think I found my soul mate (other than my husband, of course). Vinnie Rominger, of Battle Creek, Michigan likes to wave at people too. Only, he took it a step further and ... Read More

I saw a post recently from a teacher, reassuring parents that educators will indeed be able to catch kids up on curriculum once September comes.

It went on to say that what teachers need parents and guardians to do right now is help with social emotional learning. We need to talk with our children about their big feelings and continually remind ... Read More

There are kids in your community who are keeping a secret.

They want to participate in after-school activities but they won’t ask. Even in elementary or middle school, these kids already know the state of their parents’ or guardians’ budget.

They won’t ask to learn how to play the tuba or join the football team because they know there isn’t money for ... Read More

I celebrated my birthday at the beginning of May by asking people for ideas of little acts of kindness I could do on my big day.

It was fun hearing about all the ways people had celebrated their own birthdays in the past. My favorite ideas came from Pixie Neece, of Fargo, who gathered her friends and dedicated the entire day ... Read More

My birthday is tomorrow, and I need your help deciding what to get myself. What I really want is for my husband to get a job, but since I don’t have any control over that, I’m going with Plan B. What I want for my birthday is to get high.

Now, I think we’ve known each other long enough for you ... Read More

We have a guest blog today from my dear friend, Christa (Miss Christa as we call her in our house). She moved to NYC from little ole Athens a few years ago. When she first moved, she saw everything through the eyes of an Ohio girl. Lately, she has noticed her vision narrowing, so she decided to do something about ... Read More

Are you sick of winter yet? I know. Stupid question.

I’m in Ohio, so we’re seeing promises that spring will indeed arrive, but I remember all too well the 10 winters we lived in Fargo. Even if there are signs of new life, another cold spell comes blasting in and March feels like the dead of winter.

People are crabby. Everyone is ... Read More