Tag: beauty

Did you know there is a North Dakota “Best for Last” club? I learned about it when some friends, who are visiting all 50 states, decided to swing by for a visit.

They are on their way to Fargo to set foot in their final state. You might say they saved the “best for last.” I hope they get a T-shirt.

I’ve ... Read More

I’m back. The suitcase is unpacked. The mail has been sorted and the gas tank is full so I can resume taxi driving duties for my children.

I was on a 14 day book tour from Fargo to LA. Okay, actually it was Fargo and LA, but since they were back-to-back, it sounds more fun to say Fargo to LA, ... Read More

Do you believe the world is a better place because you’re in it? I mean do you truly believe that?

I think it’s dangerous to see ourselves as just another bulb in a string of lights wrapped around a Christmas tree. We think, “If my bulb goes out, no big deal… the other bulbs will keep the tree beautiful.”

But that’s ... Read More

Sometimes I look at a beautiful piece of art and think, How did they do that? How did they create something so emotional from a flat piece of paper and a few shades of blue?

Or I’ll stand in the shadow of a building that was constructed hundreds of years ago and wonder, How did they get those heavy bricks way ... Read More

Have you ever felt like no one could possibly understand the chaotic and complicated inner workings of your brain? Even if you could explain them, it wouldn’t make much sense to an outsider, right? They are uniquely you.

Like the time I was in fourth grade and insisted on sleeping outside my dad’s bedroom door for three months. My parents had ... Read More