Author: nicole

It occurred to me WAY too late that I should probably wear a costume to the kindergarten Halloween party this afternoon. Thankful for the Phillips’ males in my life: Little Ben gave me his treasured cheesehead, Charlie fished out his favorite jersey and Saul’s closet produced a pair of Zubaz from the 80s…

I’m a little disappointed that I ... Read More

Last night, Saul and I did something we’ve never done before… get your mind out of the gutter. This is a family blog.

We got a babysitter, got all dressed up, and went to The Pink Tie Affair, which was put on by the Ohio University Interfraternity Council. They served us dinner, made us feel like total celebrities, and then invited ... Read More

I need to tell you something. You are more than you think you are– and you are good. Whatever you think about yourself that doesn’t line up with complete awesomeness, simply isn’t true, so stop beating yourself up.

I get the feeling we (or maybe it’s just me!) are spending too much time and energy wishing we could be better, be ... Read More

My heart was not where it was supposed to be. It was sitting deep in my stomach as the level of panic was rising in my throat. I had looked everywhere and could not find the tickets.

My daughter, Jordan, was about 4 and the “My Little Pony” stage show was coming to the Fargodome. I had safely tucked the tickets ... Read More

What if we were all just here for each other? What if we really, truly wanted the best for each other at all times and celebrated when one of our sisters had something good come her way?

I was having a conversation with a girlfriend the other day about broken cars or kids’ clothes or something mundane that turned into a ... Read More

There was a tidal wave building up inside of me and I was powerless to hold it in. As much as I hate to cry in public, I couldn’t stop the tears. I’ll blame it on that blond lady with the voice like an angel who started singing “Amazing Grace” at the end of the church service. Yep, I’m pretty ... Read More

“Once a Lion, always a Lion. Come back and visit us anytime.” Those are the words the principal of my kids’ school said the day we left Fargo.Once a Lion, always a Lion.

We lived in north Fargo, so two of my kids had the privilege of going to Longfellow Elementary. They were Longfellow Lions, and according to Mr. Henrickson, the ... Read More

There are days I simply should not be let out of the house. Today seems to be one of those days. It’s like I’m inside the mind of my dog. One moment I’m focused on the task at hand, and then all of a sudden – SQUIRREL! This is really only a bad thing when it affects my mouth, when ... Read More

So here’s something you may or may not care to know about me: I hate parties. Ever since I stopped drinking, I have stopped enjoying parties.

I love to emcee events and go to things that require me to have a specific role, but the idea of wandering around and chatting with people while totally sober is, well, sobering. If there ... Read More

I find it interesting that we teach our children the importance of using manners and being kind and standing up for others, but sometimes we as adults fail in our own actions and words. I’m as guilty as the next person of hustling by someone who looks different. I avoid eye contact for fear that they will ask me for ... Read More