Author: nicole

I’m putting the Open for Business sign back in the window. Two weeks ago, I left Internet Land in hopes of clearing out some of the negativity that was threatening to suffocate me. You know that boa constrictor song from music class? I’m being swallowed by a boa constrictor… oh no, he swallowed my toe… oh gee, he’s up to ... Read More

My daughter asked me a question the other day that on the surface seemed kind of childish and selfish. Yet, it’s something that, even as an adult, I still wrestle with in my mind and in my heart. She said, “Mom, what do you do when people don’t recognize your kindness?”

Jordan went on to explain there is a girl in ... Read More

If a Broadway show doesn’t have a performance, it’s said to be “dark.” Mondays are usually dark in order to give the actors a chance to recuperate — or perhaps go grocery shopping and pick up their dry cleaning, I’m not quite sure.

My blog posts and tweets are more of a horse-and-pony show than a Broadway musical, but I, too, ... Read More

I’m having one of those “Look what I found!” moments. In simpler times, when I didn’t have to bend over so far to reach the ground, I would have them often. I’d spy the tiniest corner of a buried treasure and spend the next 10 minutes frantically excavating before tearing into the house to show my mother what I’d uncovered.

I ... Read More

Nurse Holly has pronounced me full! I’m done with my weekly escapades to Columbus until I meet with the surgical oncologist and plastic surgeon again on December 2nd. That means no more day-long coffee dates with my ride-along girlfriends, no more stops at the gluten-free but not glutton-free bakery, and no more Target. Ahhh…. Target. We’ve been such good ... Read More

I keep getting asked the same question. It’s totally awesome and becoming totally weird. In private conversations, after speaking functions, even during media interviews– when I talk about life or kindness or breast cancer, the same question keeps coming back to me: Where do you get your joy?

It’s like God is giving me lots of chances to answer the ... Read More

Do you ever wonder why you’re here? I know I do.

People need purpose. I’m at my best when my gifts and talents are being put to good use; when I’m on the right track.

I’m guessing I’m not the only one who feels this way.

Rick Warren’s book, “A Purpose Driven Life,” is the best-selling book of all time, second only to ... Read More

The people who deserve my kindness the most often see it the least. That’s why I’m showing you this.

It looks a lot like the brand new, just released, my son could not wait to read, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, right? It’s not. It’s a peace offering.

I ordered this book for Charlie several months ago knowing that ... Read More

By the time I got home from church on Sunday, my husband and son had every bin of Christmas decor pulled from the top shelf of the garage and set on the living room floor.

I was touched. Normally, I sort of sneak everything down while Saul is at work. My husband then comes home and good-naturedly rolls his eyes, saying ... Read More

I know a little girl whose momma had breast cancer this summer. As soon as the diagnosis was announced, that young lady, though she was just 11, set out to do whatever she could to spread kindness throughout the house. She helped her daddy with chores, kept peace with her brothers, and delivered food and water to her mother when ... Read More