Author: nicole

I’ve been taking my kids to Disney World since my first born was four months old. Crazy? A little. Only other “Disney Families” will understand the draw. You either love it or you don’t. We love it. However… it’s not always a magical experience.

Last February, while Saul was up to his eyeballs in basketball, the kids and I hopped ... Read More

I have a problem with other people’s successes. There, I said it. It’s out in the light. Take it away, God. Rip this pride and jealousy and ego and selfishness out of my life from the roots. It has no room to coexist with kindness.

I get great inspiration from female speakers and authors. Women who are moms, just like me, ... Read More

I sat through one of the ugliest basketball games ever a few nights ago. I’m not great with details, so I’ll just say this: the Bobcats were playing some other team, we were ahead by a lot, and then we weren’t. That in itself could make it an ugly game, but add in a bench-clearing brawl and my husband’s ... Read More

As the wife of a college basketball coach and a Wisconsin native, in our house we tally wins and losses based on my husband’s team’s record or the Packers’ odds of winning a Superbowl. This time, we’re celebrating a win off the hardwood.

Nine out of nine of my genetic tests came back negative– which is a huge positive when it ... Read More

I got a fun letter over the Christmas break from a college student who was perhaps misidentified.

Jared Nash is from Galchutt, N.D., a little community near Wahpeton, where I imagine everybody knows your name. He had an interesting encounter that got me thinking about how and why we treat people the way we do.

Here’s Jared’s letter:

“I was on my way ... Read More

I’ve mentioned before the silver linings that have come from having cancer. Yes, I lost a breast, but what I’ve gained? Sorry breast cancer. I got the better end of the deal. Seriously.

I’m not talking physically (yet), because that’s still a work in progress. I’m talking about the outpouring of love I’ve felt, the people I’ve met, the opportunities I’ve ... Read More

I finally watched War Room last night. Disclaimer: I totally love in-your-face Christian movies. Certain members of Team Phillips think they’re cheesy, but I always walk away inspired and hopeful that God is indeed still in control. The characters get to say every thing I wish I were brave enough and eloquent enough to say myself. I guess that’s why ... Read More

I wish I could bring you into my son’s kindergarten classroom. It’s a happy, colorful place where little people are learning big things, like how to read and count to 100, and lead with kindness.

They are learning those things thanks to two special adults who have more patience in a pinky than I have coursing through my entire body. One ... Read More

I was lying in bed like a starfish this morning. My mind had clocked in for the day, but my body was all… nah.

My thoughts were chasing squirrels all over the room until they somehow landed on what I now call my “Trifecta of Inspiration.” Has a nice ring, doesn’t it?

Mister Rogers, Dolly Parton and Joanna ... Read More

I am the person advertisers are targeting when they cast miniature horses and cute puppies in their ads. I should not be allowed to watch TV. I’m a total sucker. Don’t believe me? Ask me what I did over the Christmas break.

Dollywood. I threw my family in the car and drove 6+ hours to Dollywood.

It started late last Monday. I ... Read More