Author: nicole

There are certain things that will never be on my bucket list.

Skydiving. Every person I’ve ever known who has done it loves it. I’m not buying.

Alligator wrestling. I’ve never met anyone who has done this, and there is probably a reason.

Finishing (or starting) an Ironman race. That’s where you swim a lot, bike a lot and then run a full ... Read More

My kids are on their third snow day in a row, in a week that leads directly into a 4 day weekend. So, let’s see… since last weekend, it’s gone like this:

Saturday – off

Sunday – off

Monday – school

Tuesday – off

Wednesday – off

Thursday – off

Friday – off

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The principal of the Athens Middle School has made a big, big mistake. She has asked me to speak to her 7th and 8th grade students.

Somebody’s gonna lose an eye in the process, I’m just certain of it. But then again, I’m already down one breast, so I guess I could cope with one eye, too.

I hated eighth grade. Hated. ... Read More

A friend gave me a beautiful bracelet engraved with an interesting phrase. It says, “Be a silver lining.” Not “Be the silver lining,” but “Be a silver lining.” I love that. It takes the pressure off when you realize you don’t have to be all things to all people, but rather just do what you can do when you can ... Read More

My body has a magnetic pull toward the bathtub everyday around 7pm. Sometimes it’s more like 5:30, but generally I can hold off until everyone’s been fed. And then it hits. My people can continue watching TV or doing homework or playing basketball in the driveway, but Mom is going to take a bath.

I’m actually an 80 year old woman ... Read More

Did you know that college basketball players can’t fit into regular people’s shoelaces? Not shoes. Shoelaces.

I’m not sure how I missed this detail. Considering most of my husband’s players wear a size 16 shoe, it would make sense that the laces to tie those high-tops would need to be extra long. I just didn’t know they needed to be that ... Read More

A man knocked on my door during the last snowstorm. It was 8 o’clock at night and I was home alone with the kids. We were all snuggled on the couch in our jammies waiting for bedtime when I heard the dog begin to bark ferociously, followed by the sound of knocking.

I looked at the kids to see if they ... Read More

I need to find my husband some pink shoelaces today. That’s my mission and if I need to drive 45 minutes from my home to find a Target to do so, it will be done.

Friday night the Ohio Bobcats play Kent State at the Convo Center here in Athens. On the sideline, you will find my husband wearing a sharp ... Read More

I want to show you something… take a look at this picture.

This is my most recent family photo. It was taken in May of 2015.

Now look at it again. Look closely at my face…

It’s covered in sheer glee — oh wait, no, that’s manic panic.

The picture was taken the day before my first appointment at The ... Read More

Moments of crisis require a decision: Will we hold our tongue and act with grace toward those around us, or will we allow our angst to overtake our mouth and spew out the fear that certainly feels like a natural reaction in times of trouble?

If you were in the emergency room with your child, would you be the one filled ... Read More