Author: nicole

I have a picture on my office wall that says, “Kindness Matters.” The coffee cup on my desk reminds me to “Be Kind.”

I’m naturally drawn to things that revolve around kindness, whether it’s artwork or the latest academic research. When a radio announcer mentions kindness, my ears perk up. But it hasn’t always been this way.

My husband heard a song ... Read More

Watching TV has given me a new tactic to create a healthier me. I was watching Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday the other night when she had Pastor Joel Osteen on as a guest. It was the first time I had seen the show or seen the interview, so it was brand new to me. Only it wasn’t…

Osteen was ... Read More

I took my kids to a rock concert on Easter. Okay, it wasn’t really a rock concert, but it sure was reminiscent of the time I saw the Steve Miller band live in Green Bay.

You know what it was? Church.

Several thousand people were on their feet, hands in the air, singing at the top of their lungs.

We’re staying at my ... Read More

My friend, Ann, finds pennies in the strangest places. She even found one in the tiny skull skeleton of a squirrel in her yard. Skull skeleton of a squirrel—try saying that 10 times fast.

I’m sure I wrinkled my nose and shrieked, “Gross!” when she told me, but to Ann, it wasn’t gross at all. It was beautiful.

Everything about finding that ... Read More

I think I know how Tiffany felt the first time she heard her song, I Think We’re Alone Now, played on the radio. Go ahead, take a trip back to 1987. I’ll wait…

Okay, onto my story. I was walking through Walmart, browsing the Easter candy aisle when a beautiful woman about my age, stopped me.

“Excuse me, but are ... Read More

For those of you who’d rather listen than read, this one’s for you! When someone threatens to bring out your worst, create space for kindness with a pause.

I’m about to share one of my not-so-great parenting moments. I’m pretty sure I’m at fault, but I refuse to ask the experts because I’m afraid of the verbal lashing I’ll get. Luckily, the kindness and common sense of a stranger kept my kids from any real danger.

Last January, I decided to be a brave mom and I took my ... Read More

Wonderment. It’s one of the most beautiful parts of parenting. When my babies were little, wonderment was more of a daily occurrence. I would look at them in awe as they learned to roll over or say ‘momma’ or blow kisses. Then they took their first wobbly steps and Saul and I were so captivated we contemplated renting a billboard ... Read More

The thing about being a coach’s wife is that it stinks to lose. No matter how magical the season was, at some point, it’s all gotta come to an end.

While everybody else is getting all March Madnessy, I’m trying to slowly climb down the ladder of exhilaration without falling straight to the bottom.

The coach in our household is doing fine. ... Read More

In a little town that doesn’t get much press is a woman who quietly goes about the task of teaching kids.

Pamela Wiese is a truancy officer and paraprofessional at a school in Henning, Minn., a town of about 800 people. I have no doubt that she shows great compassion and empathy in the hours that fill most of her days. ... Read More