Author: nicole

Tomorrow’s the big day. I’m heading back to THE JAMES for reconstructive surgery. For anyone who cares about the details, Saul and I have to be in Columbus by 9:30 for an 11:30 surgery. It should take less than three hours and after another two hours in the recovery room, I’m free to come home. Then I get to lie ... Read More

Brian Williams was supposed to be a high-powered, highly paid businessman. In college, he was ranked as the top business student in the country, as in the entire United States. Only, when he got out into the real world, he found he wasn’t crazy about some of the shadier practices happening behind the scenes.

Now, just to be clear, I’m not ... Read More

I saw something today that took my breath away.

Downtown Athens is home to quite a few big old beautiful churches, but one in particular caught my eye this morning.

I have driven past First United Methodist many times. I’d say hundreds, but I’ve only lived here two years, so that may be a stretch. Anywho, here it is:

Pretty, right? It’s ... Read More

Have you ever had your children totally show you up? Prove you wrong? Make you realize your parenting faux pas? Yeah, that happens. It happened to me this weekend at the ball field.

Let me give you some of the painful backstory… last year my son Charlie (who is now 10) joined baseball for the first time. He liked the hat. ... Read More

Imagine waking up Monday morning, ready for the work commute, but instead of sliding into your car, you slid into a pair of sneakers? You would walk out your front door and be greeted by everyone else in the neighborhood because no one was driving. You were all walking the five to 10 miles to work.

Can you imagine the conversations ... Read More

I had one prominent thought floating through my head as I prepared for my latest speech: they picked the wrong girl.

Saul and I were getting ready to share our story at the Cleveland Women’s Leadership Symposium. We felt like royalty– a nice hotel, fancy restaurants, a gift bag of goodies. But as I woke up early to run through ... Read More

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Somewhere along the way I started living my life as though everything is a miracle. Basically, I’ve turned into my mother.

It’s funny, I remember talking to her on the phone ... Read More

I ordered chicken tenders at the pool last summer for my kids. We are clearly not foodies (or we wouldn’t have ordered chicken tenders in the first place), but this meal was inedible. The poor little freezer-burned then overcooked nuggets barely resembled food.

My kids were disappointed, but happy to eat french fries for lunch, so I let it go. I ... Read More

I won’t be able to vacuum for 8 weeks. See? This breast cancer stuff has some real benefits!

I had my pre-op appointment at THE JAMES yesterday and learned all about the procedure and the recovery. Basically, Saul and I will arrive at the hospital on April 26th at 9am, the surgery will begin at 11:30, it’ll be done by 2:30, ... Read More

I’m worried I’m losing my brave. It’s April and the countdown is on. My next surgery is 22 days away. On Tuesday, April 26th, I’ll go back to THE JAMES to have the expander in my left breast removed and a more permanent silicone implant installed. While I’m under, the reconstructive surgeon will also lift my right breast to ... Read More